Working population by sex

Working population by sex

Personal characteristics Sex Periods Total population aged 15-64 years (x 1000) Persons employed Total persons employed (x 1000) Persons employed Persons employed < 12 hours a week (x 1000) Persons employed Persons employed >= 12 hours a week (x 1000) Labour force Labour position Total labour force (x 1000) Labour force Labour position Employed labour force (x 1000) Labour force Labour position Unemployed labour force (x 1000) Labour force Labour position Persons not included in the labour force (x 1000) Labour force Gross labour participation (%) Labour force Net labour participation (%)
Total personal characteristics Total men and women 2006 10,964 7,937 863 7,074 7,486 7,074 413 3,478 68.3 64.5
Total personal characteristics Men 2006 5,524 4,345 305 4,040 4,231 4,040 191 1,293 76.6 73.1
Total personal characteristics Women 2006 5,441 3,592 558 3,034 3,256 3,034 222 2,185 59.8 55.8
Age category 15-19 Total men and women 2006 989 515 328 187 227 187 40 763 22.9 18.9
Age category 15-19 Men 2006 505 268 163 105 124 105 19 381 24.6 20.9
Age category 15-19 Women 2006 484 247 165 82 102 82 21 382 21.1 16.9
Age category 20-24 Total men and women 2006 960 731 160 571 622 571 51 338 64.8 59.5
Age category 20-24 Men 2006 486 377 76 301 325 301 24 161 66.8 61.8
Age category 20-24 Women 2006 474 354 84 270 297 270 27 177 62.7 57.0
Age category 25-29 Total men and women 2006 985 831 32 799 844 799 45 141 85.6 81.1
Age category 25-29 Men 2006 492 429 13 415 438 415 23 54 89.0 84.3
Age category 25-29 Women 2006 493 403 19 384 405 384 22 87 82.3 77.8
Age category 30-34 Total men and women 2006 1,093 929 33 896 934 896 38 159 85.5 82.0
Age category 30-34 Men 2006 545 501 4 496 512 496 15 33 93.9 91.0
Age category 30-34 Women 2006 548 428 29 399 422 399 23 125 77.1 73.0
Age category 35-39 Total men and women 2006 1,296 1,076 52 1,024 1,076 1,024 52 220 83.0 79.0
Age category 35-39 Men 2006 653 590 3 587 610 587 22 44 93.3 89.9
Age category 35-39 Women 2006 643 485 49 437 467 437 30 176 72.6 67.9
Age category 40-44 Total men and women 2006 1,304 1,072 58 1,015 1,067 1,015 52 238 81.8 77.8
Age category 40-44 Men 2006 660 585 6 580 599 580 19 61 90.8 87.9
Age category 40-44 Women 2006 645 487 52 435 468 435 33 177 72.6 67.4
Age category 45-49 Total men and women 2006 1,220 992 50 942 993 942 50 227 81.4 77.3
Age category 45-49 Men 2006 614 540 4 536 559 536 23 55 91.1 87.3
Age category 45-49 Women 2006 606 452 46 406 434 406 27 172 71.6 67.0
Age category 50-54 Total men and women 2006 1,120 854 47 807 842 807 36 277 75.2 72.0
Age category 50-54 Men 2006 563 486 8 478 494 478 16 70 87.6 84.9
Age category 50-54 Women 2006 556 368 40 328 349 328 20 208 62.7 59.0
Age category 55-59 Total men and women 2006 1,122 710 58 652 687 652 35 436 61.2 58.1
Age category 55-59 Men 2006 566 427 13 414 435 414 21 131 76.9 73.2
Age category 55-59 Women 2006 556 282 45 237 252 237 14 305 45.2 42.7
Age category 60-64 Total men and women 2006 875 227 45 182 196 182 13 679 22.4 20.8
Age category 60-64 Men 2006 439 142 15 127 136 127 9 303 31.0 28.8
Age category 60-64 Women 2006 436 86 30 56 60 56 4 376 13.7 12.8
Age category 15-24 Total men and women 2006 1,950 1,246 488 758 849 758 91 1,101 43.5 38.9
Age category 15-24 Men 2006 991 645 239 406 449 406 43 542 45.3 41.0
Age category 15-24 Women 2006 958 601 249 352 400 352 48 559 41.7 36.7
Age category 25-34 Total men and women 2006 2,078 1,760 66 1,695 1,778 1,695 83 300 85.6 81.6
Age category 25-34 Men 2006 1,038 929 18 912 950 912 38 88 91.6 87.9
Age category 25-34 Women 2006 1,040 831 48 783 828 783 45 213 79.6 75.3
Age category 35-44 Total men and women 2006 2,601 2,148 109 2,039 2,143 2,039 105 457 82.4 78.4
Age category 35-44 Men 2006 1,313 1,176 9 1,167 1,208 1,167 41 104 92.0 88.9
Age category 35-44 Women 2006 1,288 972 101 872 935 872 63 353 72.6 67.7
Age category 45-54 Total men and women 2006 2,339 1,846 97 1,749 1,835 1,749 86 505 78.4 74.8
Age category 45-54 Men 2006 1,177 1,025 11 1,014 1,052 1,014 38 125 89.4 86.2
Age category 45-54 Women 2006 1,162 820 86 735 782 735 48 380 67.3 63.2
Age category 55-64 Total men and women 2006 1,997 937 103 834 882 834 49 1,115 44.2 41.7
Age category 55-64 Men 2006 1,005 569 28 541 571 541 30 434 56.8 53.8
Age category 55-64 Women 2006 992 368 75 293 311 293 18 681 31.4 29.5
Educ. level : primary Total men and women 2006 973 426 87 339 386 339 47 587 39.7 34.9
Educ. level : primary Men 2006 480 266 39 227 252 227 25 228 52.5 47.3
Educ. level : primary Women 2006 493 160 48 112 134 112 22 359 27.2 22.7
Educ. level: vmbo, mbo1, avo onderbouw Total men and women 2006 2,647 1,644 337 1,307 1,411 1,307 104 1,235 53.3 49.4
Educ. level: vmbo, mbo1, avo onderbouw Men 2006 1,273 929 126 803 848 803 46 425 66.7 63.1
Educ. level: vmbo, mbo1, avo onderbouw Women 2006 1,374 715 210 504 563 504 59 811 41.0 36.7
Educ. level: avo onderbouw Total men and women 2006 1,096 666 219 447 484 447 38 611 44.2 40.8
Educ. level: avo onderbouw Men 2006 488 323 100 223 238 223 15 250 48.8 45.7
Educ. level: avo onderbouw Women 2006 608 343 119 223 246 223 23 361 40.5 36.8
Educ. level: havo/vwo, mbo Total men and women 2006 4,515 3,478 341 3,137 3,314 3,137 177 1,201 73.4 69.5
Educ. level: havo/vwo, mbo Men 2006 2,285 1,864 111 1,753 1,834 1,753 81 451 80.3 76.7
Educ. level: havo/vwo, mbo Women 2006 2,230 1,614 230 1,384 1,480 1,384 96 750 66.4 62.1
Educ. level: mbo2 en mbo3 Total men and women 2006 1,597 1,187 82 1,105 1,172 1,105 66 425 73.4 69.2
Educ. level: mbo2 en mbo3 Men 2006 803 640 13 628 658 628 31 145 82.0 78.2
Educ. level: mbo2 en mbo3 Women 2006 793 547 69 477 513 477 36 280 64.7 60.2
Educ. level: mbo4 Total men and women 2006 1,801 1,513 91 1,422 1,482 1,422 60 320 82.2 78.9
Educ. level: mbo4 Men 2006 957 840 26 813 841 813 27 117 87.8 85.0
Educ. level: mbo4 Women 2006 844 673 65 608 641 608 33 203 75.9 72.1
Educ. level: havo, vwo Total men and women 2006 1,115 778 168 610 661 610 51 454 59.2 54.7
Educ. level: havo, vwo Men 2006 524 384 72 312 335 312 23 189 63.9 59.5
Educ. level: havo, vwo Women 2006 591 394 96 298 326 298 27 265 55.1 50.5
Educ. level: hbo, wo bachelor Total men and women 2006 1,734 1,473 68 1,406 1,452 1,406 46 282 83.8 81.1
Educ. level: hbo, wo bachelor Men 2006 871 755 20 734 757 734 22 115 86.8 84.3
Educ. level: hbo, wo bachelor Women 2006 862 719 47 671 695 671 24 167 80.6 77.9
Educ. level: master,doctor Total men and women 2006 1,024 874 27 847 879 847 33 145 85.9 82.7
Educ. level: master,doctor Men 2006 573 504 9 495 510 495 15 63 88.9 86.4
Educ. level: master,doctor Women 2006 451 370 19 352 370 352 18 81 82.0 78.0
Educ. level: unknown Total men and women 2006 72 42 3 38 44 38 5 29 60.1 53.0
Educ. level: unknown Men 2006 41 27 . 27 30 27 2 12 71.7 65.8
Educ. level: unknown Women 2006 31 14 3 11 14 11 3 17 44.8 35.9
Native Dutch background Total men and women 2006 8,786 6,613 733 5,880 6,146 5,880 266 2,639 70.0 66.9
Native Dutch background Men 2006 4,442 3,620 254 3,366 3,483 3,366 117 959 78.4 75.8
Native Dutch background Women 2006 4,344 2,993 479 2,514 2,663 2,514 149 1,681 61.3 57.9
Foreign background Total men and women 2006 2,177 1,323 130 1,193 1,339 1,193 147 838 61.5 54.8
Foreign background Men 2006 1,081 725 51 673 748 673 74 334 69.1 62.3
Foreign background Women 2006 1,096 598 78 520 592 520 72 504 54.0 47.4
Western foreign background Total men and women 2006 1,024 715 61 654 702 654 48 322 68.6 63.9
Western foreign background Men 2006 496 370 21 349 371 349 22 125 74.8 70.4
Western foreign background Women 2006 527 345 40 305 331 305 26 197 62.7 57.8
Originated from MOE-countries Total men and women 2006 54 33 4 29 35 29 5 19 64.5 54.8
Originated from MOE-countries Men 2006 19 13 . 12 14 12 2 4 77.7 66.8
Originated from MOE-countries Women 2006 35 20 3 17 20 17 3 15 57.5 48.5
Other western foreign background Total men and women 2006 970 682 57 625 667 625 43 303 68.8 64.4
Other western foreign background Men 2006 478 357 20 337 357 337 20 121 74.7 70.5
Other western foreign background Women 2006 492 325 37 288 311 288 23 182 63.1 58.5
Non-western foreign background Total men and women 2006 1,153 607 69 538 637 538 99 516 55.3 46.7
Non-western foreign background Men 2006 585 354 31 324 376 324 52 209 64.3 55.4
Non-western foreign background Women 2006 568 253 38 215 261 215 46 307 45.9 37.8
Turks Total men and women 2006 236 116 13 104 122 104 18 114 51.7 43.9
Turks Men 2006 122 75 5 70 79 70 10 43 65.0 57.2
Turks Women 2006 114 41 7 34 43 34 9 71 37.4 29.7
Moroccans Total men and women 2006 198 89 13 77 93 77 16 105 46.8 38.7
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Persons employed, labour force, unemployment broken down
by personal features (age, level of education, origin) and

Data available from: 1996

Frequency: Stopped

Status of the figures:
Figures based on the LFS are always final.

When will new figures be published?
This publication is stopped.

Description topics

Total population aged 15-64 years
Persons employed
Persons employed are all persons having paid jobs.
Total persons employed
Persons employed are all persons having paid jobs.
Persons employed < 12 hours a week
Persons employed >= 12 hours a week
Labour force
The labour force (15-64 years) includes:
- persons who work at least 12 hours a week;
- persons who have accepted work for at least 12 hours a week;
- persons willing to work at least 12 hours a week, who are available and
actively seeking work for at least 12 hours a week.
The employed labour force includes all persons working at least 12 hours
a week.
The unemployed labour force includes all persons unemployed or working
less than 12 hours a week.
Labour position
Classification of the population aged 15-64:
- employed labour force,
- unemployed labour force,
- persons not included in the labour force.
Total labour force
Employed labour force
Person aged 15-64 working at least 12 hours a week.
Unemployed labour force
Persons who have accepted work for at least 12 hours a week , or
willing to work at least 12 hours a week, who are available and
actively seeking work for at least 12 hours a week.
Persons not included in the labour force
Persons not included in the labour force.
Gross labour participation
Labour force as a percentage of the population (15-64 years).
Net labour participation
Employed labour force as a percentage of the population (aged 15-64 yrs).