Continuing vocational training 1993-2005

Continuing vocational training 1993-2005

Branch of industry and enterprise size Periods Expenditures on courses (included) Total expenditures (mln euro) Expenditures on courses (included) Expenditures in % of labour costs (%) Expenditures on courses (included) Expenditure per employee (euro) Expenditures on courses (excluded) Total expenditures (mln euro) Expenditures on courses (excluded) Expenditures in % of labour costs (%) Expenditures on courses (excluded) Expenditures per employee (euro)
Total 2005 3,093 2.2 810 1,738 1.2 450
10-99 employees 2005 750 1.4 460 413 0.8 260
100-499 employees 2005 676 2.1 850 382 1.2 480
500 and more employees 2005 1,667 3.1 1,180 943 1.8 670
10-14 Mining 2005 34 4.5 3,740 19 2.5 2,090
15-37 Manufacturing 2005 703 2.2 920 396 1.2 520
40-41 Electricity, gas and water supply 2005 40 3.2 1,770 28 2.2 1,240
45 Construction 2005 231 1.9 770 109 0.9 370
50-52 Repair consumer goods, trade 2005 391 1.5 430 225 0.9 250
55 Hotels and restaurants 2005 56 1.9 350 25 0.8 150
60-64 Transport, storage and communic. 2005 352 2.3 900 224 1.4 570
65-67 Financial intermediation 2005 418 2.9 1,690 249 1.8 1,000
70-74 Business activities 2005 774 2.6 930 409 1.3 490
90-93 Culture,recreation, other services 2005 93 1.6 530 55 0.9 310
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Costs of and number of employees with internal and external courses
by branch of industry and size of enterprise
1993; 1999; 2005
Changed on December 13 2012.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Expenditures on courses (included)
Expenditures on CVT courses.
In the expenditures on courses the labour costs of training hours during
working time and the labour costs of training staff are included.
The numbers refer to CVT courses that are supported
by the employer by offering time or money. Not included are training on
the job and training of apprentices or trainees. Training activities,
like conferences, seminars, quality circles and self-learning, are also
Total expenditures
Expenditures in % of labour costs
Expenditure per employee
Expenditures on courses (excluded)
Expenditures on CVT courses.
In the expenditures on courses the labour costs of training hours during
working time are excluded and the labour costs of training staff are
The numbers refer to CVT courses that are supported
by the employer by offering time or money. Not included are training on
the job and training of apprentices or trainees. Training activities,
like conferences, seminars, quality circles and self-learning, are also
Total expenditures
Expenditures in % of labour costs
Expenditures per employee