Regional accounts; fixed capital formation

Regional accounts; fixed capital formation

Regions Periods Fixed cap.form.from prod.and imports (mln. euro) Fixed capital formation by industry Agriculture, forestry and fishing (mln. euro) Fixed capital formation by industry Mining and quarrying (mln. euro) Fixed capital formation by industry Electricity, gas and water supply (mln. euro) Fixed capital formation by industry Trade, hotels and restaurants and repair (mln. euro) Fixed capital formation by industry Transport, storage and communication (mln. euro) Fixed capital formation by industry Welfare and other services (mln. euro) Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good Machinery and equipment (mln. euro)
The Netherlands 2008* 125,125 4,461 1,652 2,975 7,843 9,549 8,147 16,552
North Netherlands 2008* 10,937 553 62 307 589 531 912 1,466
East Netherlands 2008* 24,034 1,231 21 791 1,555 870 1,692 2,860
West Netherlands 2008* 62,848 1,480 22 1,225 3,985 6,840 3,744 7,759
South Netherlands 2008* 25,735 1,197 14 652 1,714 1,308 1,799 3,902
Friesland (PV) 2008* 4,138 274 3 59 228 211 282 442
Flevoland (PV) 2008* 2,821 180 0 153 180 59 165 373
Gelderland (PV) 2008* 13,827 657 19 378 897 465 1,083 1,482
Noord-Holland (PV) 2008* 20,972 400 7 180 1,379 2,988 1,223 2,184
Zuid-Holland (PV) 2008* 28,070 758 14 536 1,751 2,735 1,738 3,900
Zeeland (PV) 2008* 2,985 158 1 408 189 171 215 802
Noord-Friesland 2008* 2,050 150 3 x 107 121 120 232
Zuidwest-Friesland 2008* 616 40 0 x 41 26 39 78
Zuidoost-Friesland 2008* 1,472 84 0 x 79 63 123 132
Zuidwest-Gelderland 2008* 1,820 173 0 x 144 75 102 197
Kop van Noord-Holland 2008* 2,316 244 4 x 153 95 142 245
Delft en Westland 2008* 1,540 282 0 x 139 77 120 243
Oost-Zuid-Holland 2008* 2,425 93 0 x 201 74 176 219
Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland 2008* 3,051 47 3 x 208 191 156 437
Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen 2008* 781 41 1 x 57 91 44 223
Overig Zeeland 2008* 2,204 117 0 x 131 80 171 579
Flevoland 2008* 2,821 180 0 x 180 59 165 373
Overig Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland 2008* 1,266 40 - x 89 64 42 126
Flevoland-Midden 2008* 969 60 0 x 53 21 40 95
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Total fixed capital formation (gross), fixed capital formation (gross)
by industry, by type of capital good by region
1995 - 2008
Changed on March 14 2012.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Fixed cap.form.from prod.and imports
Fixed capital formation from production and imports (gross).
Fixed capital formation by industry
In determining fixed capital formation the ownership criterium is
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Mining and quarrying
Electricity, gas and water supply
Trade, hotels and restaurants and repair
Transport, storage and communication
Welfare and other services
Fixed cap. form. by type of capital good
Fixed capital formation by type of capital good.
Machinery and equipment