National accounts 2009; Macroeconomic data

National accounts 2009; Macroeconomic data

Kind of figure Periods Macroeconomic classifications National income (net, market prices) By sectors Households incl. NPI households Macroeconomic classifications Disposable national income (net) By sectors Households incl. NPI households Macroeconomic classifications National saving (net) By sectors Households incl. NPI households Macroeconomic classifications Nat. net lending/borrowing By sectors Households incl. NPI households Macroeconomic classifications Output (basic prices) By sectors Households incl. NPI households Macroeconomic classifications Intermediate consumption By sectors Households incl. NPI households Macroeconomic classifications Value added (gross, basic prices) By sectors Households incl. NPI households Macroeconomic classifications Compensation of employees By sectors Households incl. NPI households Macroeconomic classifications Consumption of fixed capital By sectors Households incl. NPI households Macroeconomic classifications Final consumption expenditure By sectors Households incl. NPISH Macroeconomic classifications Final consumption expenditure By sectors ...Households Macroeconomic classifications Final consumption expenditure By sectors ...NPI households Macroeconomic classifications Final consumption expenditure By type of goods and services Households incl. NPI households Services Macroeconomic classifications Final consumption expenditure By type of goods and services Households incl. NPI households Non-resident in the Netherlands Macroeconomic classifications Final consumption expenditure By type of goods and services Households incl. NPI households Resident in the rest of the world Macroeconomic classifications Final consumption expenditure By object Households incl. NPISH Food and non-alcoholic beverages Macroeconomic classifications Final consumption expenditure By object Households incl. NPISH Alcoholic beverages, tobacco Macroeconomic classifications Final consumption expenditure By object Households incl. NPISH Clothing and footwear Macroeconomic classifications Final consumption expenditure By object Households incl. NPISH Housing, water and energy
Current prices, mln euro 2009* 355,120 263,136 19,265 2,999 148,237.0 69,706.0 78,531.0 21,696 21,245 262,585.0 257,561.0 5,024.0 138,202.0 -10,877.0 11,745.0 30,075.0 8,321.0 14,085.0 61,425.0
Volume changes, % 2009* -2.5 -2.5 -2.4 -3.5 -1.1 -2.0 2.8 -1.4 -3.6 -0.4 0.3
Volume-indices 2000=100 2009* 112.1 104.7 104.5 112.4 108.6 107.3 93.4 110.0 92.4 110.8 109.6
At prices of 2000, mln euro 2009* 72,460.0 220,633.0 216,681.0 3,947.0 113,918.0 -8,923.0 9,387.0 25,302.0 5,468.0 13,840.0 45,970.0
Deflators, % changes 2009* -10.3 -0.6 -0.7 4.5 -0.9 0.7 -2.1 1.5 7.7 -0.3 2.2
Deflators, indices 2000=100 2009* 108.4 119.0 118.9 127.3 121.3 121.9 125.1 118.9 152.2 101.8 133.6
Labour input, 1 000 fte's 2009*
Labour productivity, 1 000 euro 2009*
Source: CBS
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This publication is a summary of the national accounts. It contains
macroeconomic data and concise information about the production process,
the sector accounts and the labour market. More details about these
subjects can be found in the tables mentioned under the third heading in
this explanation: "links to relevant tables and articles".
The subjects of the publication give a specification of the most important
mocroeconomic totals. These macroeconomic transactions can also be found in

the chapter Macroeconomics in the printed publication National accounts of
the Netherlands.Well-known macroeconomic data are: Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), volume change of GDP (economic growth) and national income.

The subjects in the publication are structured as follows:
- macroeconomic balancing
- structure macroeconomic balancing
- macroeconomic classifications

The data can be selected as follows:
- Current prices, mln euro
- Volume changes, %
- Volume-indices, 2000 = 100
- Constant prices, at prices of 2000, mln euro
- Deflators: % changes
- Deflators: indices 2000 = 100
- Labour input, 1 000 full-time equivalent jobs
- Labour productivity, 1 000 euro

In 2005 the national accounts have been revised for the reporting year 2001
in accordance with the conceptual changes in the international guidelines
of the European Union (ESA 1995). This revision also incorporated new
statistical insights and new sources.

This table has been discontinued. Data are available from:
1969 up and until 2009

Reason discontinuation:
The national accounts have adapted the new classification of economic
activities, NACE Rev. 2. Furthermore, tables have been restructured to
improve their clarity.

Description topics

Macroeconomic classifications
This selection presents a specification of the most
important macroeconomic balancing by sector,
industry etc. The total economy can be selected in
for instance the selection "Macroeconomic balancing".
The standardisation of the classifications in the
National accounts is laid down in international
Some macroeconomic classifications can also be found in
the macroseries and explanations in the publication National
accounts of the Netherlands.
National income (net, market prices)
National income (primary income) is a part of GDP flows
to the rest of the world (wages and salaries to non-resident
employees interests and dividends to non-resident financiers),
while income generated in the rest of the world is tranferred
to the Netherlands. National income is the sum of GDP and net
primary income from the rest of the world.
The volume of national income is affected by the difference in
export and import price movement, while the volume of national
product is not. A trading gain (caused by export prices rising
sharper than import prices) increases the volume change of
national income. Gross includes consumption of fixed
capital while net excludes consumption of fixed capital
By sectors
Households incl. NPI households
Households inclusive of non-profit institutions serving
The sector households consists of all natural persons who are
resident for more than one year in the Netherlands, irrespective
of their nationality. If persons are entrepreneurs, their
business also belongs to the sector households. This is the case
for self-employed persons and owner-occupiers of dwellings.
The sector non-profit institutions serving housholds
consists of foundations and clubs whose resources are
principally derived from voluntary contributions from households
and from property income.
See explanation, publication National accounts of the Netherlands.
Disposable national income (net)
Disposable national income is equal to national income plus
net current transfers received from the rest of the world. Gross
includes consumption of fixed capital while net excludes
consumption of fixed capital.
By sectors
Households incl. NPI households
National saving (net)
National saving equals disposable national income less final
consumption expenditure and an adjustment item for net
equity in pension funds reserves. Gross includes consumption
of fixed capital while net excludes consumption of fixed capital.
By sectors
Households incl. NPI households
Nat. net lending/borrowing
National net lending or net borrowing shows the amount
a sector can lend/invest or has to borrow, given the current
and capital transactions in the sector accounts.
By sectors
Households incl. NPI households
Output (basic prices)
By sectors
Households incl. NPI households
Intermediate consumption
Intermediate consumption (excl. Deductible VAT)
By sectors
Households incl. NPI households
Value added (gross, basic prices)
Value added at basic prices is equal to the difference
between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption.
By sectors
Households incl. NPI households
Compensation of employees
Compensation of employees is the total renumeration paid
by employers to their employees in return for work done.
By sectors
Households incl. NPI households
Consumption of fixed capital
Consumption of fixed capital represents the depreciation of
the stock of produced fixed assets, as a result of normal
technical and economical ageing and insurable accidental
By sectors
Households incl. NPI households
Final consumption expenditure
Final consumption expenditure consists of expenditure
incurred by resident institutional units on goods and
services that are used for the direct satisfaction of
individual needs or wants or the collective needs
of members of the community.
Actual individual final consumption concerns the
acquisition of consumer goods and services.
Services for collective consumption (collective
services) are provided simultaneously to all members of the
community or all members of a particular section of the
community. Actual collective consumption consists in
particular of government expenditures.
By sectors
Households incl. NPISH
...NPI households
By type of goods and services
Households incl. NPI households
Non-resident in the Netherlands
Resident in the rest of the world
By object
Households incl. NPISH
Food and non-alcoholic beverages
Alcoholic beverages, tobacco
Clothing and footwear
Housing, water and energy