Daily time use

Daily time use

Gender Age Periods Daily time (in hours, minutes) Looking after others Look after relatives in the household (hour) Daily time (in hours, minutes) Looking after others Look after relatives outside household (hour) Daily time (in hours, minutes) Household jobs Household jobs, total (hour) Daily time (in hours, minutes) Household jobs Shopping (bank, mail, etc.) (hour) Daily time (in hours, minutes) Household jobs Appointment with GP, hairdresser, etc. (hour) Daily time (in hours, minutes) Household jobs Cleaning the house (hour) Daily time (in hours, minutes) Household jobs Household jobs (hour) Daily time (in hours, minutes) Household jobs Preparing food and drinks (hour) Daily time (in hours, minutes) Household jobs Doing laundry, ironing and sewing, etc. (hour) Daily time (in hours, minutes) Household jobs Taking care of pets (hour) Daily time (in hours, minutes) Household jobs Maintenance jobs, odd jobs, gardening (hour) Daily time (in hours, minutes) Leisure activities Visit museum, theatre etc. (hour) Daily activities (% participation) Looking after others Look after relatives in the household (%) Daily activities (% participation) Looking after others Look after relatives outside household (%) Daily activities (% participation) Household jobs Household jobs, total (%) Daily activities (% participation) Household jobs Shopping (bank, mail, etc.) (%) Daily activities (% participation) Household jobs Appointment with GP, hairdresser, etc. (%) Daily activities (% participation) Household jobs Cleaning the house (%) Daily activities (% participation) Household jobs Household jobs (%) Daily activities (% participation) Household jobs Preparing food and drinks (%) Daily activities (% participation) Household jobs Doing laundry, ironing and sewing, etc. (%) Daily activities (% participation) Household jobs Taking care of pets (%) Daily activities (% participation) Household jobs Maintenance jobs, odd jobs, gardening (%) Daily activities (% participation) Leisure activities Visit museum, theatre, etc. (%)
Total (12 yrs and older) Total aged 12 yrs and older 2003 0:01 0:01 2:27 0:31 0:05 . 0:52 0:26 . 0:10 0:23 0:09 1 1 78 35 6 . 49 45 . 16 15 5
Total (12 yrs and older) 12-17 yrs 2003 0:01 0:00 0:43 0:17 0:04 . 0:10 0:04 . 0:05 0:03 0:12 1 0 48 16 3 . 21 12 . 12 3 6
Total (12 yrs and older) 18-24 yrs 2003 0:00 . 1:22 0:24 0:05 . 0:25 0:13 . 0:05 0:10 0:09 0 0 60 30 5 . 33 29 . 9 5 6
Total (12 yrs and older) 25-44 yrs 2003 0:01 0:01 2:27 0:30 0:04 . 0:53 0:27 . 0:10 0:24 0:09 1 1 80 35 5 . 50 48 . 17 15 5
Total (12 yrs and older) 45-64 yrs 2003 0:02 0:03 2:58 0:35 0:05 . 1:00 0:32 . 0:14 0:30 0:08 2 2 84 39 7 . 54 50 . 20 21 5
Total (12 yrs and older) 65 yrs and older 2003 0:01 0:01 3:08 0:36 0:05 . 1:14 0:36 . 0:09 0:28 0:06 2 1 89 39 7 . 66 57 . 12 19 5
Men Total aged 12 yrs and older 2003 0:01 0:01 1:48 0:23 0:04 . 0:23 0:14 . 0:10 0:35 0:09 1 0 68 27 5 . 32 29 . 14 20 5
Men 12-17 yrs 2003 0:00 . 0:30 0:11 0:02 . 0:05 0:03 . 0:04 0:04 0:13 1 0 40 12 2 . 14 10 . 9 3 6
Men 18-24 yrs 2003 0:00 . 1:02 0:16 0:04 . 0:14 0:08 . 0:04 0:16 0:11 1 0 49 21 5 . 23 21 . 8 7 7
Men 25-44 yrs 2003 0:01 0:00 1:43 0:21 0:03 . 0:21 0:15 . 0:09 0:34 0:10 1 0 69 25 4 . 30 33 . 14 19 5
Men 45-64 yrs 2003 0:00 0:01 2:14 0:26 0:05 . 0:28 0:16 . 0:15 0:44 0:08 1 1 75 30 5 . 36 32 . 20 26 5
Men 65 yrs and older 2003 0:02 0:00 2:34 0:33 0:04 . 0:39 0:18 . 0:10 0:49 0:07 2 0 83 37 6 . 49 34 . 11 28 5
Women Total aged 12 yrs and older 2003 0:02 0:02 3:05 0:39 0:06 . 1:20 0:38 . 0:10 0:12 0:08 2 1 87 42 7 . 66 60 . 17 11 5
Women 12-17 yrs 2003 0:01 0:01 0:57 0:23 0:06 . 0:14 0:06 . 0:07 0:02 0:12 1 0 55 20 5 . 29 15 . 14 3 6
Women 18-24 yrs 2003 0:00 . 1:43 0:33 0:06 . 0:38 0:17 . 0:05 0:04 0:08 0 0 72 40 5 . 44 38 . 10 4 6
Women 25-44 yrs 2003 0:01 0:01 3:12 0:39 0:05 . 1:25 0:38 . 0:11 0:13 0:08 2 1 91 45 7 . 70 63 . 20 12 5
Women 45-64 yrs 2003 0:03 0:04 3:43 0:45 0:06 . 1:33 0:48 . 0:14 0:16 0:08 3 3 93 48 8 . 72 69 . 20 15 5
Women 65 yrs and older 2003 0:01 0:01 3:33 0:39 0:05 . 1:40 0:50 . 0:08 0:12 0:05 1 1 94 41 7 . 78 74 . 13 12 4
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Daily time use in hours and in % participation
Time use, gender
1997; 1999; 2001; 2003
Changed on July 31 2009.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Daily time (in hours, minutes)
Daily time use:average in hours and minutes.
Looking after others
Look after relatives in the household
Look after relatives outside household
Household jobs
Household jobs, total
Shopping (bank, mail, etc.)
Appointment with GP, hairdresser, etc.
Appointment with dentist, GP, physiotherapist, hairdresser, etc.
Cleaning the house
Household jobs
Preparing food and drinks
In 1997 this category included " prepare food and drink, eating at home".
As from 1999 "eating at home" is classified among "personal care" and
"preparing food and drink" among "household jobs".
Doing laundry, ironing and sewing, etc.
The category "doing the laundry, ironing and sewing, etc." was created in
1997. As from 1999 the categories "cleaning the house" and "doing the
laundry, ironing and sewing, etc." are included in the category "cleaning
the house".
Taking care of pets
Maintenance jobs, odd jobs, gardening
Leisure activities
Visit museum, theatre etc.
Visit to museum, theatre, library, sporting event, etc.
Daily activities (% participation)
Daily activities as a percentage. Participation is defined as the
propotion of people who spent time on a particular category.
Looking after others
Look after relatives in the household
Look after relatives outside household
Household jobs
Household jobs, total
Shopping (bank, mail, etc.)
Appointment with GP, hairdresser, etc.
Appointment with dentist, GP, physiotherapist, hairdresser, etc.
Cleaning the house
Household jobs
Preparing food and drinks
In 1997 this category included " prepare food and drink, eating at home".
As from 1999 "eating at home" is classified among "personal care" and
"preparing food and drink" among "household jobs".
Doing laundry, ironing and sewing, etc.
The category "doing the laundry, ironing and sewing, etc." was created in
1997. As from 1999 the categories "cleaning the house" and "doing the
laundry, ironing and sewing, etc." are included in the category "cleaning
the house".
Taking care of pets
Maintenance jobs, odd jobs, gardening
Leisure activities
Visit museum, theatre, etc.
Visit to museum, theatre, library, sporting event, etc.