Labour force; history 1970 - 2006

Labour force; history 1970 - 2006

Sex Periods Total population aged 15-64 (x 1000) Labour force (x 1000) Employed labour force (x 1000) Unemployed labour force (x 1000) Gross labour participation (%) Net labour participation (%) Registered unemployed (x 1000)
Total sex 2006 10,964 7,486 7,074 413 68 65 260
Men 2006 5,524 4,231 4,040 191 77 73 133
Women 2006 5,441 3,256 3,034 222 60 56 127
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Labour force; historical series
Broken down by labour position, registered unemployed and sex
1970 - 2007
Changed on November 24 2008.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Total population aged 15-64
All residents of the Netherlands in the age category 15-64, excluding
persons in homes and institutions.
Labour force
The labour force includes everyone (15-64):
- with a paid job of at least twelve hours a week;
- who has accepted a paid job for at least twelve hours a week;
- who states they want to work for at least twelve hours a week, are
available to do so and are actively seeking such a job.
Employed labour force
Dutch residents who have paid work for twelve hours a week or more.
Unemployed labour force
People without work, or with less than twelve hours of paid work a week,
who are actively looking for paid work for twelve hours a week or more
and who are directly available for this job.
Gross labour participation
The share of the employed and unemployed labour force in the total
Net labour participation
The share of the employed labour force in the total population.
Registered unemployed
Registered unemployed include persons registered at an employment office
in the age category 16-64 who:
- are unemployed or work less than 12 hours a week and
- are available for a job of 12 hours a week or more or have accepted
work for at least 12 hours a week.