Vacancies; branches (SIC`93), private firms, 1997 - 2009

Vacancies; branches (SIC`93), private firms, 1997 - 2009

SIC 1993 and size of enterprises Periods Vacancies after trend breach Vacancies (x 1 000) Vacancies before trend breach Vacancies (x 1 000)
A-O Total SIC'93 2009 yearly average/yearly total 122.9 .
A, B Agriculture/fishing 2009 yearly average/yearly total 2.2 .
C-F Manufacturing and construction 2009 yearly average/yearly total 17.8 .
C Mining and quarrying 2009 yearly average/yearly total 0.3 .
PM Other mining 2009 yearly average/yearly total . .
D Manufacturing 2009 yearly average/yearly total 9.2 .
E Energy 2009 yearly average/yearly total 0.8 .
F Construction 2009 yearly average/yearly total 7.5 .
G-K Commercial services 2009 yearly average/yearly total 73.1 .
G Trade 2009 yearly average/yearly total 21.7 .
H Hotels and restaurants 2009 yearly average/yearly total 8.1 .
I Transport and communication 2009 yearly average/yearly total 5.2 .
J Financial institutions 2009 yearly average/yearly total 8.2 .
K Business activities 2009 yearly average/yearly total 29.9 .
72 Computer services/IT 2009 yearly average/yearly total . .
L-O Non-commercial services 2009 yearly average/yearly total 29.8 .
N Health/welfare 2009 yearly average/yearly total . .
O Culture/other services 2009 yearly average/yearly total . .
Enterprises 1-9 employees 2009 yearly average/yearly total 33.0 .
Enterprises 10-99 employees 2009 yearly average/yearly total 34.8 .
Enterprises 100 employees or more 2009 yearly average/yearly total 55.2 .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Vacancies, new vacancies, filled vacancies;
SIC 1993 and size of enterprises
1994 - 2009, 1994 Q1 - 2009 Q4
Changed on May 10 2010.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Vacancies after trend breach
During 2006 Statistics Netherlands changed to a
renewed business register as base of the survey.
This brought about a trend breach in the time series.
To give an impression of the size of the trend breach,
in each case two figures are published on the fourth
quarter of 2006: the figure before the trend breach and
the figure after the trend breach.
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private
sector at the end of each quarter.
The annual figure regarding unfilled vacancies is a weighted average
calculated as follows:
Vacancies 4th quarter previous year under review, weight 1.
Vacancies 1st, 2nd, 3rd quarter year under review, weight 2.
Vacancies 4th quarter year under review, weight 1.
Vacancies, annual average = Total number of vacancies/8
The annual result of the new and filled vacancies is the total of the
four quarters.
Vacancies before trend breach
During 2006 Statistics Netherlands changed to a
renewed business register as base of the survey.
This brought about a trend breach in the time series.
To give an impression of the size of the trend breach,
in each case two figures are published on the fourth
quarter of 2006: the figure before the trend breach and
the figure after the trend breach.
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private
sector at the end of each quarter.
The annual figure regarding unfilled vacancies is a weighted average
calculated as follows:
Vacancies 4th quarter previous year under review, weight 1.
Vacancies 1st, 2nd, 3rd quarter year under review, weight 2.
Vacancies 4th quarter year under review, weight 1.
Vacancies, annual average = Total number of vacancies/8
The annual result of the new and filled vacancies is the total of the
four quarters.