Birth; age mother (on 31-12), birth order and fertility rates 1950-2014

Birth; age mother (on 31-12), birth order and fertility rates 1950-2014

Age mother (on 31 December) Periods Live born children Total live born children Total live born children (number) Live born children Total live born children First child (number) Live born children Total live born children Second child (number) Live born children Total live born children Third child (number) Live born children Total live born children Fourth or following children (number) Live born children Marital live born children Total marital live born children (number) Live born children Marital live born children First child (number) Live born children Marital live born children Second child (number) Live born children Marital live born children Third child (number) Live born children Marital live born children Fourth or following children (number) Live born children Non-marital live born children Total non-marital live born children (number) Live born children Non-marital live born children First child (number) Live born children Non-marital live born children Second child (number) Live born children Non-marital live born children Third child (number) Live born children Non-marital live born children Fourth or following children (number) Live born children, rates Total live born children (0/00) Live born children, rates First child (0/00) Live born children, rates Second child (0/00) Live born children, rates Third child (0/00) Live born children, rates Fourth or following children (0/00)
Total (ages mothers) 2014 175,181 80,744 64,013 21,754 8,670 97,933 38,542 38,153 14,791 6,447 77,248 42,202 25,860 6,963 2,223 46.54 21.45 17.01 5.78 2.30
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Live born children (among the population of the Netherlands) by birth order from the mother, marital status of the mother, age of the mother and fertility rates.

Available selections:
- live born children by birth order to the mother, marital status of the mother and age of the mother;
- fertility rates by birth order to the mother and age of the mother.

Data available from 1950 until 2014.

Status of the figures:
All data recorded in this publication are final data.

Changes on 30 June 2016:
This table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Live born children
Live born children by marital status of the mother and birth order from the mother.

Live born child:
A baby showing some sign of life after birth, regardless of the duration of pregnancy.

Birth order from the mother (live born children):
The position of the child in the ranking of live born children from a mother.

Marital status:
Legal status involving someone's rights and competences as determined by legal marriage and registered partnership.

Legal marriage:
Legal, formally sanctioned living arrangement between two people. Since 1 April 2001, it is legally possible for people in the Netherlands to marry a person of the same sex.

Lesbian parenthood
The law on lesbian parenthood came into effect on 1 April 2014. From April 2014 onwards the female partner of the biological mother may become the legal parent of the child without a legal adoption procedure. The same data for both mothers are available in the municipal population register. Statistics Netherlands does not have information about which of the mothers is the biological mother. To obtain data about, for example, the age, number of children and ethnic background of the mother, Statistics Netherland selects one of the mothers at random.

Partnership registration:
A marriage-like relationship recorded at the registry office. Partnership registration is open to same-sex and different-sex couples.
Total live born children
Total live born children by birth order from the mother.
Total live born children
First child
Live born first children to the mother.
Second child
Live born second children to the mother.
Third child
Live born third children to the mother.
Fourth or following children
Live born fourth or following children to the mother.
Marital live born children
Marital born child:
A child where the mother is married at the time of birth, or a child from a widow whose male or female spouse passed away less than 306 days before the birth.

Break in series
From 2010 onwards a small shift has occurred between a number of marital statuses (fewer never married and more married, divorced and widowed respectively). Because information on some marital statuses was lacking for the period 1998 to 2010 in data used by Statistics Netherlands, 'divorced after partnership' and 'widowed after partnership' were not included in these statistics for this period. For these statistics, the marital status before the partnership was used instead, which was mostly 'never married'. From 2010 all marital statuses are available.

From 2010: legally married and partnership.
1998 to 2010: legally married.
Because information was lacking on some marital statuses in data in the period 1998 to 2010 used by Statistics Netherlands, partnerships were not included in this period.
Until 1998: legally married.

From 2010: widowed after a legal marriage and widowed after a partnership.
From 1998 to 2010: widowed after a legal marriage.
Because information was lacking on some marital statuses in the period 1998 to 2010 in data used by Statistics Netherlands, partnerships were not included in this period. For these statistics, this results in data including 'partnership after widowed'. For 'widowed after partnership' the marital status before the partnership was used, which was mostly unmarried.
Until 1998 widowed after a legal marriage.

From 2010: divorced after legal marriage and divorced after partnership.
1998 to 2010: divorced after legal marriage.
Because information was lacking on some marital statuses in data in the period 1998 tot 2010 used by Statistics Netherlands, partnerships were not included in this period. For these statistics, this results in data including 'partnership after divorced'. For 'divorced after partnership' the marital status before the partnership was used, which was mostly unmarried.
Until 1998: divorced after legal marriage.

Legally married:
Marital status resulting from having married legally. Including judicial separations which are included in the catagory married.

Marital status resulting from entering into a registered partnership.

Widowed after a legal marriage:
Marital status resulting from death ending a legal marriage.

Widowed after partnership:
Marital status resulting from death ending a registered partnership.

Divorced after a legal marriage:
Marital status resulting from ending a legal marriage by divorce.
Excluding judicial separations which are included in the catagory married.

Divorced after partnership:
Marital status resulting from ending a registered partnership other than by the death of the partner.

Marriage (legal):
Legal, formally sanctioned living arrangement between two people.
Since 1 April 2001, it is legally possible for people in the Netherlands to marry a person of the same sex.

Registered partnership:
A marriage-like relationship between two people of the opposite or same sex, registered at the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Registered partnership was introduced in The Netherlands on 1 January 1998.
Total marital live born children
First child
Marital live born first children to the mother.
Second child
Marital live born second children to the mother.
Third child
Marital live born third children to the mother.
Fourth or following children
Marital live born fourth or following children to the mother.
Non-marital live born children
Non marital born child:
A child where the mother is never married, divorced or widowed at the moment of birth. If the mother was married and the marriage was dissolved by the death of her husband less than 306 days before she gave birth, the birth is considered within marriage.

Break in series
From 2010 onwards a small shift has occurred between a number of marital statuses (fewer never married and more married, divorced and widowed respectively). Because information on some marital statuses was lacking for the period 1998 to 2010 in data used by Statistics Netherlands, 'divorced after partnership' and 'widowed after partnership' were not included in these statistics for this period. For these statistics, the marital status before the partnership was used instead, which was mostly 'never married'. From 2010 all marital statuses are available.

Never married:
From 2010: marital status indicating that someone was never married or never in a registered partnership.
1998 to 2010: marital status indicating that someone was never married.
Because information was lacking on some marital statuses in the period 1998 to 2010 in data used by Statistics Netherlands, partnerships were not included in this period. For these statistics, this results in data including 'partnership after never married'. For 'widowed after partnership' and 'divorced after partnership' the marital status before the partnership was used, wich was mostly unmarried.
Until 1998: marital status indicating that someone was never married.

From 2010: widowed after a legal marriage and widowed after a partnership.
From 1998 to 2010: widowed after a legal marriage.
Because information was lacking on some marital statuses in the period 1998 to 2010 in data used by Statistics Netherlands, partnerships were not included in this period. For these statistics, this results in data including 'partnership after widowed'. For 'widowed after partnership' the marital status before the partnership was used, wich was mostly unmarried.
Until 1998 widowed after a legal marriage.

From 2010: divorced after legal marriage and divorced after partnership.
1998 to 2010: divorced after legal marriage.
Because information was lacking on some marital statuses in data in the period 1998 tot 2010 used by Statistics Netherlands, partnerships were not included in this period. For these statistics, this results in data including 'partnership after divorced'. For 'divorced after partnership' the marital status before the partnership was used, wich was mostly unmarried.
Until 1998: divorced after legal marriage.

Widowed after a legal marriage:
Marital status resulting from death ending a legal marriage.

Widowed after partnership:
Marital status resulting from death ending a registered partnership.

Divorced after a legal marriage:
Marital status resulting from ending a legal marriage by divorce.
Excluding judicial separations which are included in the catagory married.

Divorced after partnership:
Marital status resulting from ending a registered partnership other than by the death of the partner.

Marriage (legal):
Legal, formally sanctioned living arrangement between two people.
Since 1 April 2001, it is legally possible for people in the Netherlands to marry a person of the same sex.

Registered partnership:
A marriage-like relationship between two people of the opposite or same sex, registered at the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Registered partnership was introduced in The Netherlands on 1 January 1998.
Total non-marital live born children
First child
Non-marital live born first children to the mother.
Second child
Non-marital live born second children to the mother.
Third child
Non-marital live born third children to the mother.
Fourth or following children
Non-marital live born fourth or following children to the mother.
Live born children, rates
Live born children by birth order from the mother per 1,000 of the average female population in the selected agegroup.

Live born child:
A baby showing some sign of life after birth, regardless of the duration of pregnancy.

Birth order from the mother:
The position of the child in the ranking of live born children from a mother.
Total live born children
Total number of live born children per 1,000 females in the selected agegroup.
First child
Live born first children per 1,000 females in the selected agegroup.
Second child
Live born second children per 1,000 females in the selected agegroup.
Third child
Live born third children per 1,000 females in the selected agegroup.
Fourth or following children
Live born fourth or following children per 1,000 females in the selected agegroup.