Bankruptcies by company characteristics and province, 1993-2011

Bankruptcies by company characteristics and province, 1993-2011

Region and company characteristics Periods Pronounced bankruptcies companies (absolute) Economic activity (SBI '93) 01-05 Agriculture, hunting, fishing (absolute) Economic activity (SBI '93) 10-37 Manufacturing, mining, quarrying (absolute) Economic activity (SBI '93) 45 Construction (absolute) Economic activity (SBI '93) 50-52 Repair of consumer goods and trade (absolute) Economic activity (SBI '93) 55 Hotels and restaurants (absolute) Economic activity (SBI '93) 60-64 Transport, storage, communication (absolute) Economic activity (SBI '93) 65-67 Financial intermediation (absolute) Economic activity (SBI '93) 70-75 Business intermediation (absolute) Economic activity (SBI '93) 80 Education and others (absolute) Economic activity (SBI '93) Other/unknown economic activity (absolute)
Total of the Netherlands 2011 7,134 143 777 1,090 1,588 425 380 607 1,667 450 7
North of the Netherlands 2011 633 16 81 118 157 33 47 42 112 27 -
East of the Netherlands 2011 1,530 28 229 234 355 91 78 126 304 82 3
West of the Netherlands 2011 3,269 65 268 465 733 190 154 301 869 223 1
South of the Netherlands 2011 1,702 34 199 273 343 111 101 138 382 118 3
Province of Groningen 2011 215 3 29 36 54 12 22 14 34 11 -
Province of Friesland 2011 196 5 30 40 44 11 11 11 38 6 -
Province of Drenthe 2011 222 8 22 42 59 10 14 17 40 10 -
Province of Overijssel 2011 540 7 102 84 133 32 24 43 87 27 1
Province of Flevoland 2011 209 4 35 18 50 6 8 18 54 16 -
Province of Gelderland 2011 781 17 92 132 172 53 46 65 163 39 2
Province of Utrecht 2011 471 3 39 68 93 21 19 42 149 37 -
Province of Noord-Holland 2011 1,239 29 104 168 255 82 55 131 320 94 1
Province of Zuid-Holland 2011 1,474 30 122 214 362 76 73 118 389 90 -
Province of Zeeland 2011 85 3 3 15 23 11 7 10 11 2 -
Province of Noord-Brabant 2011 1,263 18 163 214 245 66 62 105 293 94 3
Province of Limburg 2011 439 16 36 59 98 45 39 33 89 24 -
Single-owner company 2011 964 36 39 253 250 117 61 8 127 73 -
Private company 2011 5,554 90 701 772 1,186 234 286 574 1,443 261 7
Partnership firm 2011 324 12 22 44 111 57 20 1 35 22 -
Other legal form 2011 292 5 15 21 41 17 13 24 62 94 -
No employees 2011 520 4 27 51 149 34 12 57 144 41 1
1 employee 2011 850 19 37 172 236 55 46 40 200 43 2
2-5 employees 2011 1,170 28 133 157 376 91 52 45 216 72 -
5-10 employees 2011 1,004 24 130 204 203 66 51 21 251 54 -
10-20 employees 2011 808 27 132 160 176 30 74 12 151 46 -
20-50 employees 2011 572 24 131 111 96 14 50 5 113 28 -
50-100 employees 2011 223 - 61 44 28 - 18 1 50 21 -
100 employees or more 2011 178 - 50 29 12 11 1 5 49 21 -
Unknown 2011 1,809 17 76 162 312 124 76 421 493 124 4
< 1 year 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
1-2 yrs 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
2-3 yrs 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
3-4 yrs 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
4-5 yrs 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
5-6 yrs 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
6-7 yrs 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
7-8 yrs 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
8-9 yrs 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
9-10 yrs 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
10-15 yrs 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
>=15 yrs 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
Lifetime unknown 2011 . . . . . . . . . . .
Source: CBS
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This publication gives information on pronounced bankruptcies by economic activity, year and province. The number of pronounced bankruptcies is not adjusted for bankruptcies
annulled by appeal. Due to the fact that a match with the General Register of Enterprises (ABR) was not possible, because the date of entry by the Chamber of Commerce was
missing, the information about the lifetime of the company is missing from 2007 onwards.

Data available from 1993 to 2011.

Status of the figures:
All figures are definite.

Changes as of January 1, 2018:
None, this table has been stopped.

Reason for stopping:
The tables on pronounced bankruptcies in the Netherlands is re-established with SBI2008 instead of 1993. New tables (will) appear on Statline partially containing the information from this table.

When will new figures be published?
No longer applicable.

Description topics

Pronounced bankruptcies companies
Excluding natural persons and legacies.
Economic activity (SBI '93)
Pronounced bankruptcies concerning enterprises and institutions by
industry class (SBI'93).
01-05 Agriculture, hunting, fishing
Including forestry.
10-37 Manufacturing, mining, quarrying
45 Construction
50-52 Repair of consumer goods and trade
55 Hotels and restaurants
60-64 Transport, storage, communication
Transport, storage and communication.
65-67 Financial intermediation
70-75 Business intermediation
80 Education and others
Education; Health and social work; Other community, social and personal-
service activities.
Other/unknown economic activity
For instance health care, welfare, environmental services, culture and