National Accounts 2009; Output, consumption, income

National Accounts 2009; Output, consumption, income

Classifications Periods ...Taxes on production and imports Total taxes on production and imports (mln euro) ...Taxes on production and imports ...On products (mln euro) ...Taxes on production and imports ...Other on production (mln euro) ...Compensation of employees ...Wages and salaries (mln euro)
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2009* 509 56 453 2,688
Mining and quarrying 2009* 23 - 23 514
···Man. textile and leather products 2009* 21 - 21 526
···Man. of paper and paper products 2009* 36 - 36 808
···Publishing and printing 2009* 19 - 19 2,680
···Man. of rubber and plastic products 2009* 16 - 16 1,200
···Man. of machinery and equipment 2009* 29 - 29 3,808
···Manufacture of transport equipment 2009* 108 83 25 1,890
Electricity, gas and water supply 2009* 4,229 4,151 78 1,769
···Building installation and completion 2009* 62 - 62 6,056
Trade, hotels, restaurants and repair 2009* 2,560 1,725 835 36,076
···Retail trade and repair 2009* 112 - 112 10,143
···Hotels and restaurants 2009* 258 - 258 4,017
Transport, storage and communication 2009* 455 101 354 14,846
···Land transport 2009* 196 - 196 5,973
···Water transport 2009* 8 - 8 600
···Air transport 2009* 180 101 79 1,551
···Supporting transport activities 2009* 55 - 55 3,529
···Post and telecommunications 2009* 16 - 16 3,193
Financial and business activities 2009* 6,480 3,596 2,884 58,566
···Insurance and pension funding 2009* 934 849 85 2,748
···Computer and related activities 2009* 14 - 14 7,097
···Research and development 2009* 12 - 12 1,924
···Legal and economic activities 2009* 2,816 2,745 71 11,303
Care and other service activities 2009* 823 288 535 38,282
···Health and social work activities 2009* 253 - 253 29,743
···Sewage and refuse disposal services 2009* 241 77 164 1,189
···Good and services n.e.c. 2009*
···Difference imputed and paid VAT 2009* -2,759 -2,759
Source: CBS
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This publication provides data on the macroeconomic production process.
For the different industries and institutional units (sectors), data on
production, intermediate consumption and value added as well as the
components of value added are presented.

The subjects of this publication correspond with the titles of the tables
in the chapter Output, consumption and generation of income of the printed
publication National accounts of the Netherlands. The industries are
classified according to the Dutch Standard Industrial Classification (SBI
1993). The institutional sectors are classified according to the European
System of Accounts (ESA 1995).

For a number of subjects (transactions) the industry figures does not equal
the macroeconomic total because certain parts of transactions cannot be
allocated to a specific industry.
The following transactions cannot be attributed to individual industries:
- goods and services n.e.c. (not elsewhere counted)
- imputed value added tax (VAT)
- difference imputed and paid VAT
- taxes on imports (excluding VAT)
- import subsidies
Transactions not allocated to a specific industry are given under the
heading: not by industries.

This table has been discontinued. Data are available from:
1969 up and until 2009

Reason discontinuation:
The national accounts have adapted the new classification of economic
activities, NACE Rev. 2. Furthermore, tables have been restructured to
improve their clarity.

Description topics

...Taxes on production and imports
Taxes on production and imports are compulsory payments to the
government and the European Union (EU), which are related to
production, imports and to the use of production factors.
Total taxes on production and imports
Taxes on production and imports are compulsory payments to the
government and the European Union (EU), which are related to
production, imports and to the use of production factors.
...On products
Taxes on products are related to the value or the volume of
products. They are levied on domestically produced or
transacted products and on imported products.
...Other on production
Other taxes on production include all taxes on production
paid by Producers, not related to the value or volume of
products produced or transacted.
...Compensation of employees
Compensation of employees is the total renumeration
paid by employers to their employees in return for work done.
...Wages and salaries
Wages and salaries include income taxes and employees' social
contributions even if they are actually withheld by the
employer and paid directly to tax authorities, social
security schemes and pension schemes, wages in kind, holiday
allowances. Furthermore, certain refunds for costs made by the
employee, such as travel expenses to and from work, are
included as well.