National Accounts 2009; Output, consumption, income

National Accounts 2009; Output, consumption, income

Classifications Periods Gross value added Value added basic prices (mln euro) Gross value added Value added basic pr. (volume changes) (%) Gross value added Value added basic pr. (volume indices) (2000=100) Gross value added Value added basic pr. (prices of 2000) (mln euro) Gross value added Value added market prices (mln euro)
Macrototal 2009* 509,619 -3.4 113.4 423,533 571,979
Total industries 2009* 509,619 -3.4 113.4 423,533 523,353
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 2009* 8,798 2.7 110.7 10,927 8,663
Mining and quarrying 2009* 15,211 -7.1 92.4 8,406 15,211
Manufacturing 2009* 64,087 -8.8 102.0 59,220 71,365
···Man. food prod., beverages, tobacco 2009* 14,889 0.5 111.5 11,033 17,213
···Man. textile and leather products 2009* 1,035 -12.1 73.7 983 1,035
···Man. of paper and paper products 2009* 1,263 -11.1 93.5 1,451 1,262
···Publishing and printing 2009* 5,772 -6.1 85.8 4,939 5,769
···Manufacture of petroleum products 2009* 1,445 2.6 144.3 2,060 6,413
···Man. of basic chem., man-made fibres 2009* 5,684 -1.4 146.1 7,884 5,692
···Manufacture of chemical products 2009* 3,298 -7.2 123.4 3,728 3,294
···Man. of rubber and plastic products 2009* 2,133 -10.8 103.2 1,902 2,133
···Manufacture of basic metals 2009* 1,659 -23.8 92.8 1,859 1,659
···Man. of fabricated metal products 2009* 5,819 -14.2 103.3 4,904 5,819
···Man. of machinery and equipment 2009* 6,086 -15.1 99.6 4,935 6,086
···Man. of electrical, optical equipment 2009* 3,749 -12.7 71.5 4,045 3,676
···Manufacture of transport equipment 2009* 2,616 -31.3 79.8 2,565 2,675
···Other manufacturing 2009* 8,639 -10.4 93.5 6,804 8,639
Electricity, gas and water supply 2009* 11,738 0.3 132.2 6,662 15,887
Construction 2009* 30,703 -4.2 101.5 21,236 30,671
···Construction of buildings 2009* 12,829 -6.2 102.2 8,480 12,827
···Civil engineering 2009* 5,647 4.2 102.8 4,352 5,623
···Building installation and completion 2009* 12,227 -5.8 100.1 8,403 12,221
Trade, hotels, restaurants and repair 2009* 71,409 -6.9 115.1 68,541 73,119
···Trade,repair of motor vehicles/cycles 2009* 7,730 -10.3 92.2 5,992 7,730
···Wholesale trade 2009* 37,868 -7.2 132.9 39,638 39,589
···Retail trade and repair 2009* 16,881 -3.9 111.0 17,392 16,881
···Hotels and restaurants 2009* 8,930 -7.8 81.7 6,185 8,919
Transport, storage and communication 2009* 32,067 -5.6 124.8 33,242 30,485
···Land transport 2009* 10,932 -5.2 101.0 9,388 9,277
···Water transport 2009* 1,369 -9.3 134.3 2,162 1,353
···Air transport 2009* 558 -11.3 105.5 2,483 659
···Supporting transport activities 2009* 8,089 -7.9 118.3 5,896 8,078
···Post and telecommunications 2009* 11,119 -3.0 159.8 13,419 11,118
Financial and business activities 2009* 143,460 -3.1 116.2 118,314 146,145
···Banking 2009* 24,212 -1.9 164.2 21,032 24,212
···Insurance and pension funding 2009* 8,465 0.4 109.1 6,359 9,306
···Activities auxiliary to fin. interm. 2009* 5,540 -4.2 119.4 4,822 5,540
···Real estate activities 2009* 34,077 0.1 106.3 33,026 34,009
···Renting of movables 2009* 4,771 -7.5 96.7 4,029 4,772
···Computer and related activities 2009* 11,455 -3.9 128.7 9,468 11,455
···Research and development 2009* 2,365 1.9 126.0 1,939 1,616
···Legal and economic activities 2009* 19,715 -2.7 102.3 13,398 22,399
···Architectural, engineering activities 2009* 6,754 -2.0 115.3 4,985 6,737
···Advertising 2009* 1,748 -11.8 67.6 1,437 1,748
···Activities of employment agencies 2009* 15,123 -12.8 120.1 11,477 15,123
···Other business activities 2009* 9,235 -2.6 122.0 7,180 9,228
General government 2009* 61,796 1.3 108.2 44,662 61,796
···Public administr., social security 2009* 33,296 2.9 115.0 25,786 33,296
···Defence activities 2009* 4,412 -0.4 96.7 3,535 4,412
···Subsidized education 2009* 24,088 -0.6 101.5 15,418 24,088
Care and other service activities 2009* 70,350 2.7 126.5 52,075 70,011
···Health and social work activities 2009* 50,498 3.9 134.2 36,562 50,362
···Sewage and refuse disposal services 2009* 3,353 4.5 120.0 2,824 3,430
···Recreat., cultural, sporting activi. 2009* 7,196 -0.7 119.1 5,808 6,945
···Priv. househ. with employed persons 2009* 2,235 0.1 106.3 1,590 2,235
···Other service activities n.e.c. 2009* 7,068 -2.2 99.9 5,186 7,039
Not by industries, total 2009* 48,626
···Good and services n.e.c. 2009*
···Imputed VAT 2009* 42,845
···Difference imputed and paid VAT 2009*
···Taxes on imports (excluding VAT) 2009* 5,785
···Import subsidies 2009* -4
Total sectors (=macrototal) 2009* 509,619 -3.4 113.4 423,533 571,979
···Non-financial corporations 2009* 321,721 -4.4 113.1 268,259
···Financial corporations 2009* 36,658 -4.9 134.4 29,579
···General government 2009* 72,709 1.0 107.3 53,219
···Households 2009* 75,825 -2.6 112.1 70,419
···NPI households 2009* 2,706 0.6 114.9 2,057
Source: CBS
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This publication provides data on the macroeconomic production process.
For the different industries and institutional units (sectors), data on
production, intermediate consumption and value added as well as the
components of value added are presented.

The subjects of this publication correspond with the titles of the tables
in the chapter Output, consumption and generation of income of the printed
publication National accounts of the Netherlands. The industries are
classified according to the Dutch Standard Industrial Classification (SBI
1993). The institutional sectors are classified according to the European
System of Accounts (ESA 1995).

For a number of subjects (transactions) the industry figures does not equal
the macroeconomic total because certain parts of transactions cannot be
allocated to a specific industry.
The following transactions cannot be attributed to individual industries:
- goods and services n.e.c. (not elsewhere counted)
- imputed value added tax (VAT)
- difference imputed and paid VAT
- taxes on imports (excluding VAT)
- import subsidies
Transactions not allocated to a specific industry are given under the
heading: not by industries.

This table has been discontinued. Data are available from:
1969 up and until 2009

Reason discontinuation:
The national accounts have adapted the new classification of economic
activities, NACE Rev. 2. Furthermore, tables have been restructured to
improve their clarity.

Description topics

Gross value added
Value added is equal to the difference between output
and intermediate consumption (excluding deductible VAT). Value
added can, dependent from the valuation of production, be valued
at basic prices and at market prices.
Value added basic prices
Value added at basic prices is equal to the difference between
production (basic prices) and intermediate consumption.
Value added basic pr. (volume changes)
Value added at basic prices is equal to the difference between
production (basic prices) and intermediate consumption. The
figures concern the volume growth as a percentage of the
preceding year.
Value added basic pr. (volume indices)
Value added at basic prices is equal to the difference between
production (basic prices) and intermediate consumption. The
figures concern volume indices with 2000=100.
Value added basic pr. (prices of 2000)
Value added at basic prices is equal to the difference between
production (basic prices) and intermediate consumption. The given
figures are at prices of 2000.
Value added market prices
Value added at market prices of the whole economy is:
total value added at basic prices plus the balance of taxes
and subsidies on products plus the difference between imputed
and paid VAT minus consumption of imputed bank services.