Water supplied by public water supply companies; regions, 2000 – 2003

Water supplied by public water supply companies; regions, 2000 – 2003

Regions Periods Use (mln m3)
The Netherlands 2003 1,283.990
North-Netherlands 2003 134.460
East-Netherlands 2003 236.662
West-Netherlands 2003 648.815
South-Netherlands 2003 264.053
Groningen 2003 55.894
Friesland 2003 47.475
Drenthe 2003 31.091
Overijssel 2003 80.105
Flevoland 2003 19.860
Gelderland 2003 136.697
Utrecht 2003 82.229
Noord-Holland 2003 219.221
Zuid-Holland 2003 287.724
Zeeland 2003 59.641
Noord-Brabant 2003 184.749
Limburg 2003 79.304
Source: CBS
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Water production and use of ground water, dune water, infiltration water
and surface water (for drinking water or semi - filtrate water) by region
2000 - 2003; January 2000 - December 2003
Changed on April 16 2004.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

The use (including loss through leakage) is 'Total produced by water
companies' plus 'Produced by others'. Because of interprovincial supplies,
this does not add up per province.
Users are mainly households, offices and (to a limited extent) small
manufacturing companies.