Special procedures in criminal cases, 1990-2016

Table explanation

This table contains information about compensations to former suspects and about
the granting of pardons.

The data concerning compensations are subdivided into compensations due to wrongful incarceration and compensations for costs as a result of being a suspect.
Of these compensations, there is information on
- submitted requests
- granted requests
- granted amounts for the requests and the average amount per granted request

The data on pardons are subdivided into received requests for a pardon and decisions on pardons.
- granted unconditional pardons
- granted conditional pardons
- denied requests for pardons

Data available from 1990 to 2016.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definite.

Changes as of 30 November, 2017:
None, this table has been stopped.

When will new data be published?
Due to funding cuts there will be no new data for this statistic as from 1 January 2018. For more information see the link in paragraph 3.

Description topics

Compensations to former suspects
The number of requests for financial compensation by former suspects.
A former suspect who has been taken into police custody or pre-trial
detention can claim compensation if the proceeding was concluded
without sanctioning. The same holds if the suspect has been convicted
but the police custody or pre-trial detention was not lawful for the
specific crime for which the suspect was detained.
Furthermore, if a case has been concluded without sanctioning, a suspect
can claim compensation on the basis of article 591a of the Code of
Criminal Procedure.
A former suspect can also invoke both articles. In that case the request
on the basis of article 89 and the request on the basis of article 591a
will be considered separately. In the table, both requests will be
counted as separate requests.
Compensation of costs made
The number of requests for compensation of costs made.
When a criminal case has ended without sanctioning, the suspect can submit an appeal for compensation on the basis of article 519a of the Code of Criminal Procedure. E.g. costs of: travel, accommodation, loss of revenue and legal representation.
Requests submitted
The total number of submitted requests for compensation of costs made.
Requests granted
The total number of granted requests for compensation of costs made.
Awarded amount
The total amount for the granted compensations of costs made.
Average amount
The average amount for granted requests concerning granted compensations
of costs made.