Fire services; assistance, object and activities 1985-2013

Fire services; assistance, object and activities 1985-2013

Region and municipal size Years Assistances Total assistances (number) Assistances Assistances in buildings Total assistances in buildings (number) Assistances Assistances not in buildings Total assistance, not in buildings (number) Victims Dead Total dead (number) Victims Wounded Total wounded (number) Rescues Total rescues (number) First aid Total first aid (number)
Total Netherlands 1996 34,389 15,150 19,239 612 4,044 10,973 3,955
Total Netherlands 1997 39,308 18,609 20,699 624 4,416 12,679 4,242
Total Netherlands 1998 41,143 17,388 23,755 772 5,871 12,274 5,310
Total Netherlands 1999 35,113 14,772 20,341 673 6,013 11,794 5,451
Total Netherlands 2000 39,433 15,002 24,431 660 6,723 12,373 6,198
Total Netherlands 2001 39,574 17,176 22,398 738 6,237 13,283 6,297
Total Netherlands 2002 49,542 21,003 28,539 815 6,140 12,427 5,637
Total Netherlands 2003 36,251 14,871 21,380 808 5,299 11,381 4,903
Total Netherlands 2004 40,160 16,107 24,053 630 4,854 9,683 4,174
Total Netherlands 2005 36,923 15,293 21,630 582 4,015 8,123 3,484
Total Netherlands 2006 40,001 17,299 22,702 639 3,646 8,380 3,170
Total Netherlands 2007 49,442 20,291 29,151 562 3,924 8,887 3,748
Total Netherlands 2008 43,928 20,442 23,486 576 3,225 8,292 3,449
Total Netherlands 2009 41,707 21,872 19,835 441 4,116 7,061 3,134
Total Netherlands 2010 43,689 23,279 20,410 495 4,256 9,477 3,999
Total Netherlands 2011 44,869 21,046 23,823 603 5,344 11,177 5,477
Total Netherlands 2012 43,008 17,775 25,233 541 5,480 11,033 5,199
Total Netherlands 2013 49,383 28,365 21,018 640 5,140 9,168 5,054
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains information on (technical) assistances, other than fire fighting, by the municipal fire brigades. The information concerns:
- assistances in buildings (specified by kind)
- assistances at other locations (specified by location)
- assistances by kind
- victims (dead and wounded)
- rescues (freeing people)
- first aid to victims.
Information about false alarms is not included. Victims, rescues and first aid concerning active fire men is not
included. Also, information about assistances by other organisations (e.g. internal fire brigades in companies) is not included in this table.

The data are available by region, province and groups of cities.

For the year 2008 no information is available for the provinces Noord-Holland, Friesland, the regions North of the Netherlands, West of the Netherlands and municipal size.

For the year 2009, no information is available about both fire and assistance reports in the provinces Noord-Holland, Flevoland, the regions East of the Netherlands, West of the Netherlands and division of cities.

Data available from 1985 to 2013.

Status of the figures:
The data are final.

Changes as of: 20 January 2017
The data on 2013 are final and the table has been discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable.
This table is replaced by the following tables:'Branden en hulpverleningen; meldingen bij de brandweermeldkamer, regio', 'Branden en hulpverleningen; alarmering van de brandweer, regio' en 'Branden; reactietijden van de brandweer, regio' (only in Dutch). See section 3 for links to relevant tables.

Description topics

Total assistances
Assistances in buildings
Total assistances in buildings
Assistances not in buildings
Total assistance, not in buildings
Dead and wounded persons from events, not being fires, in which
the fire brigade is called upon.
Total dead
Total wounded
Freeing of people from a situation they cannot free themselves.
It concerns events, not being fires, in which the fire brigade is called
Total rescues
First aid
Lend of first aid by events, not being fires, in which the fire brigade
is called upon.
Excluding first aid to firemen on duty.
Total first aid