Quarterly national accounts; values

Quarterly national accounts; values

Dimensions Periods Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added at basic prices, total (mln euro) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Value added: ESA 1995, A6 classification Agriculture, forestry and fishing (mln euro) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Value added: ESA 1995, A6 classification Mining, manufacturing and energy supply (mln euro) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Value added: ESA 1995, A6 classification Construction (mln euro) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Value added: ESA 1995, A6 classification Trade, hotels, transport, communication (mln euro) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Value added: ESA 1995, A6 classification Financial and business activities (mln euro) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Value added: ESA 1995, A6 classification Government, care and other services (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Gross value added manufacturing total (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Manufacture food, beverages and tobacco (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Manufacture textile and leather products (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Manufacture paper, printing, publishing (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Manufacture of petroleum products (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Manufacture basic chemicals and fibres (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Manufacture of chemical products (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Manufacture of rubber and plastic (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Manufacture basic metals, metal products (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Manufacture of machinery and equipment (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Manufacture electrical optical equipment (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Manufacture of transport equipment (mln euro) Additional details Value added manufacturing Other manufacturing (mln euro)
Prices of 2000 2011 1st quarter, first estimate 108,031 2,541 21,240 5,508 26,334 29,004 23,694 16,286 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prices of 2000 seasonally adjusted 2011 1st quarter, first estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Current prices 2011 1st quarter, first estimate 134,891 2,492 27,771 8,126 26,767 36,634 33,101 18,547 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Current prices seasonally adjusted 2011 1st quarter, first estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external
economic transactions. Values at current and constant prices
1987 - 2010, Q1 1987 - Q1 2011.
Changed on May 13 2011.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Production approach to GDP
The composition of GDP from the value added of all economic activities is
provided in this chapter.
Gross domestic product at market prices (GDP) is calculated as follows:
total value added at basic prices of industries
plus: balance of taxes and subsidies on products
VAT, taxes on imports, subsidies on re-exports cannot be attributed to
individual industries. Therefore, GDP at market prices cannot be broken
down completely by industry.
Data of total value added available from 1995 q1.
Other component from 1995 q1.
Gross value added at basic prices
Gross value added at basic prices of all economic activities.
Value added (basic prices)
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference
between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption
(purchaser prices).
Gross value added at basic prices, total
Gross value added at basic prices of all economic activities.
Value added (basic prices)
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference
between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption
(purchaser prices).
Value added: ESA 1995, A6 classification
Gross value added at basic prices conform the A6 classification of the
European system of national accounts 1995.
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry agriculture, forestry
and fishing.
SBI 1993: Sections A,B; code 01,02,05.
Mining, manufacturing and energy supply
Gross value added at basic prices of the industries Mining and quarrying,
manufacturing, and the electricity, gas and water supply.
SBI 1993: Sections C, D and E; code 10,11,14 to 37 and 40 to 41.
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry construction.
SBI 1993: Section F; code 45.
Trade, hotels, transport, communication
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry trade and repair of
motor vehicles/cycles, wholesale trade, retail trade, hotels,
and restaurants and the industry Transport, storage, post and
SBI 1993: Sections G,H,I; code 50 to 52, 55 and 60 to 64.
Financial and business activities
Gross value added at basic prices of the Financial and business
SBI 1993: Section J and K; code 65 to 67 and 70 to 74.
Government, care and other services
Gross value added at basic prices of the general government and the care
and other services activities.
SBI 1993: Sections L,M,N,O,P,Q; code 75, 80.1-3, 99 and code 85, 90
to 93, 95 and 80.4.
Additional details
The additional details of some variables in the previous chapters of this
publication are being given in this chapter.
Value added manufacturing
Details of the gross value added at basic prices of manufacturing.
(SBI 1993: Section D; code 15 to 37).
Data available from 1995 q1.
Gross value added manufacturing total
Gross value added manufacturing total.
Manufacture food, beverages and tobacco
Gross value added at basic prices of the manufacture of food products,
beverages and tobacco.
(SBI 1993: Section DA; code 15 and 16).
Manufacture textile and leather products
Gross value added at basic prices of the manufacture of textile and
leather products.
(SBI 1993: Sections DB and DC; code 17 to 19).
Manufacture paper, printing, publishing
Gross value added at basic prices of the manufacture of paper and paper
products, publishing and printing.
(SBI 1993: Section DE; code 20 and 21).
Manufacture of petroleum products
Gross value added at basic prices of the manufacture of petroleum
(SBI 1993: Section DF; code 23).
Manufacture basic chemicals and fibres
Gross value added at basic prices of the manufacture of basic chemicals
and man-made fibres.
(SBI 1993: Section DG (part); code 24.1 and 24.7).
Manufacture of chemical products
Gross value added at basic prices of the manufacture of chemical products.
(SBI 1993: Section DG (part); code 24.2 to 24.6).
Manufacture of rubber and plastic
Gross value added at basic prices of the manufacture of rubber and plastic
(SBI 1993: Section DH; code 25).
Manufacture basic metals, metal products
Gross value added at basic prices of the manufacture of basis metals and
fabricated metal products.
(SBI 1993: Section DJ; code 27 and 28).
Manufacture of machinery and equipment
Gross value added at basic prices of the manufacture of machinery and
equipment i.e.
(SBI 1993: Section DK; code 29).
Manufacture electrical optical equipment
Gross value added at basic prices of the manufacture electrical and
optical equipment.
(SBI 1993: Section DL; code 30 to 33).
Manufacture of transport equipment
Gross value added at basic prices of the manufacture of transport
(SBI 1993: Section DM; code 34 and 35).
Other manufacturing
Gross value added at basic prices of the manufacture of other
manufacturing activities.
(SBI 1993: Sections DD, DI en DN; code 22, 26, 36 and 37).