Population, households and population dynamics; 1899-2019

Table explanation

The most important key figures about population, households, birth, mortality, changes of residence, marriages, marriage dissolutions and change of nationality of the Dutch population.

CBS is in transition towards a new classification of the population by origin. Greater emphasis is now placed on where a person was born, aside from where that person’s parents were born. The term ‘migration background’ is no longer used in this regard. The main categories western/non-western are being replaced by categories based on continents and a few countries that share a specific migration history with the Netherlands. The new classification is being implemented gradually in tables and publications on population by origin.

Data available from 1899 to 2019.

Status of the figures:
All data in this publication are final data.

Changes as of 15 December 2023:
None, this table was discontinued.

When will the new figures be published?
No longer applicable. This table is succeeded by the table 'Population, households and population dynamics; from 1899'. See section 3.

Description topics

Population growth
The increase or decrease of the population.
Person declared dead by an authorized doctor.

For the period 1900-1924 excluding children born alive who died before the birth was registered.
For the period 1940-1945 excluding deaths among approximately 104 thousand deported Jews and 39 thousand deported political prisoners, employees and soldiers of the German military.
1900 to 1924: excluding children born alive who died before the birth was registered.
1940 to 1945: excluding deaths among approximately 104 thousand deported Jews and 39 thousand deported political prisoners, employees and soldiers of the German military.

Break in series of late reports
From 2010 onwards more late reports received in the year of publication will be included in the figures for the year under review.

Person declared dead by an authorized doctor.
Deaths, relative
Deaths per thousand of the average number of inhabitants.
Deaths: sex ratio
Number of deceased men per thousand deceased women.
Life expectancy at birth: male
The average male life expectancy at birth.
Life expectancy at birth: female
The average female life expectancy at birth.
Deaths within 4 weeks after birth
Live born babies who die within 28 days of their birth.
Deaths < 4 weeks after birth
Deaths < 4 weeks after birth, relative
Live born babies who die within 28 days of their birth per 1,000 live born children.

Live born child:
A baby showing some sign of life after birth, regardless of the duration of pregnancy.
Deaths within 1 year after birth
Live-born children who died before their first birthday.
Deaths < 1 year after birth
Deaths < 1 year after birth, relative
Live-born children who died before their first birthday.per 1,000 live born children.

Live born child:
A baby showing some sign of life after birth, regardless of the duration of pregnancy.
Deaths by age, relative
Deaths aged 1 year or older per 1,000 inhabitants in each age category.

Break in series
The definition regarding age has been changed. Until 1950 age was determined by the last birthday, whereas after 1950 age is defined as the difference between the year a person dies and the year he/she was born (age on 31 December).
1 to 4 years
Deaths in the age category 1 to 4 per 1,000 of the average number of inhabitants in that age category.
5 to 14 years
Deaths in the age category 5 to 14 per 1,000 of the average number of children in that age category.
15 to 44 years
Deaths in the age category 15 to 44 per 1,000 of the average number of inhabitants in that age category.
45 to 64 years
Deaths in the age category 45 to 65 per 1,000 of the average number of inhabitants in that age category.
65 to 79 years
Deaths in the age category 65 to 79 per 1,000 of the average number of inhabitants in that age category.
80 years or older
Deaths in the age category 80 years or older per 1,000 of the average number of inhabitants in that age category.