Vacancies; branches (SIC`93), private firms, government sectors, 1997-2009

Vacancies; branches (SIC`93), private firms, government sectors, 1997-2009

SIC 1993, size classes Periods Vacancies after trend breach Unfilled vacancies (x 1000) Vacancies after trend breach New vacancies (x 1000) Vacancies after trend breach Filled vacancies (x 1000) Vacancies before trend breach Unfilled vacancies (x 1000) Vacancies before trend breach New vacancies (x 1000) Vacancies before trend breach Filled vacancies (x 1000)
A-O Total SIC'93 2009 annual figure 142.1 725 793 . . .
A, B Agriculture and fishing 2009 annual figure 2.2 15 16 . . .
C-F Manufacturing and construction 2009 annual figure 17.8 70 85 . . .
C Mining and quarrying 2009 annual figure 0.3 1 1 . . .
D Manufacturing 2009 annual figure 9.2 41 49 . . .
DA Food, beverages and tobacco 2009 annual figure 1.7 9 9 . . .
1700C Text.,cloth.,furniture,recycl.ind. 2009 annual figure 1.0 6 7 . . .
DE Printing industry 2009 annual figure 0.8 5 6 . . .
2300B Petrol, chem, rubber, plastic ind. 2009 annual figure 1.1 5 5 . . .
2700E Metal(prod.)- and machine ind. 2009 annual figure 3.2 11 14 . . .
DL Electrical appliances 2009 annual figure 0.8 4 4 . . .
DM Car and transporting industry 2009 annual figure 0.6 2 3 . . .
E Electricity, gas and water supply 2009 annual figure 0.8 3 3 . . .
F Construction 2009 annual figure 7.5 26 32 . . .
4510C Building industry 2009 annual figure 3.1 12 15 . . .
4530A Building installation/completion 2009 annual figure 4.4 14 17 . . .
G-K Commercial services 2009 annual figure 73.2 427 467 . . .
G Trade 2009 annual figure 21.7 180 188 . . .
50 Car trade and repairs 2009 annual figure 2.1 13 14 . . .
51 Wholesale 2009 annual figure 8.1 43 47 . . .
521 Department stores and supermarkets 2009 annual figure 3.0 67 69 . . .
522 Shops food, beverages and tobacco 2009 annual figure 0.8 6 6 . . .
5230B Spec., non-food retail trade, rep. 2009 annual figure 7.7 51 53 . . .
H Hotels and restaurants 2009 annual figure 8.1 53 57 . . .
I Transport and communication 2009 annual figure 5.3 30 34 . . .
60 Transport by land 2009 annual figure 2.1 13 14 . . .
6100A Transport by air + by water 2009 annual figure 0.4 3 3 . . .
63 Transport services 2009 annual figure 1.5 8 10 . . .
64 Mail and telecommunications 2009 annual figure 1.1 7 7 . . .
J Financial intermediation 2009 annual figure 8.2 28 32 . . .
65 Banking 2009 annual figure 5.6 19 20 . . .
66 Insurance and pension funds 2009 annual figure 1.4 4 6 . . .
67 Other financial institutions 2009 annual figure 1.2 6 6 . . .
K Business activities 2009 annual figure 29.9 135 155 . . .
7000D Trade and leasing real estate 2009 annual figure 1.9 11 12 . . .
72 Computer services, IT 2009 annual figure 5.0 16 20 . . .
73 Research institutions 2009 annual figure 1.0 3 4 . . .
7410A Consult, jurid.,administr services 2009 annual figure 12.2 46 54 . . .
74501 Staff temp. employment agencies 2009 annual figure 1.5 10 10 . . .
747 Cleaning services 2009 annual figure 2.4 21 22 . . .
748 Other commercial services 2009 annual figure 5.9 29 33 . . .
L-O Non commercial services 2009 annual figure 49.0 212 226 . . .
L Public administration 2009 annual figure 15.2 28 30 . . .
M Education 2009 annual figure 4.4 34 35 . . .
801 Primary and special education 2009 annual figure 0.8 8 8 . . .
802 Secondary education 2009 annual figure 1.8 16 16 . . .
803 Higher education 2009 annual figure 1.0 6 6 . . .
804 Other education 2009 annual figure 0.7 5 5 . . .
N Health and welfare 2009 annual figure 22.5 109 116 . . .
8511 Hospitals 2009 annual figure 6.6 24 26 . . .
8511D Other health care 2009 annual figure 3.4 20 21 . . .
8531 Nursing homes,homes for the elderly 2009 annual figure 5.5 30 32 . . .
8532A Welfare without accommodation 2009 annual figure 7.0 36 38 . . .
O Culture and other services 2009 annual figure 6.9 41 44 . . .
9000B Environment, other services 2009 annual figure 2.3 13 14 . . .
9100C Interest groups,recreation,culture 2009 annual figure 4.6 28 30 . . .
Enterprises 1-9 employees 2009 annual figure 33.0 195 213 . . .
Enterprises 10-99 employees 2009 annual figure 35.4 199 219 . . .
Enterprises 100 employees or more 2009 annual figure 73.8 331 361 . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Unfilled vacancies, new vacancies and filled vacancies
by economic activities (SIC 1993), including government
1997 - 2009, 1997 Q1 - 2009 Q4
Changed on May 10 2010.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Vacancies after trend breach
During 2006 Statistics Netherlands changed to a
renewed business register as base of the survey.
This brought about a trend breach in the time series.
To give an impression of the size of the trend breach,
in each case two figures are published on the fourth
quarter of 2006: the figure before the trend breach and
the figure after the trend breach.
Unfilled vacancies
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private
sector and in government sectors at the end of each quarter.
New vacancies
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private
sector and in government sectors at the end of each quarter.
New vacancies and filled vacancies also include new vacancies which were
filled in that same quarter.
Filled vacancies
Filled vacancies include cancelled vacancies.
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private
sector and in government sectors at the end of each quarter.
New vacancies and filled vacancies also include new vacancies which were
filled in that same quarter.
Vacancies before trend breach
During 2006 Statistics Netherlands changed to a
renewed business register as base of the survey.
This brought about a trend breach in the time series.
To give an impression of the size of the trend breach,
in each case two figures are published on the fourth
quarter of 2006: the figure before the trend breach and
the figure after the trend breach.
Unfilled vacancies
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private
sector and in government sectors at the end of each quarter.
New vacancies
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private
sector and in government sectors at the end of each quarter.
New vacancies and filled vacancies also include new vacancies which were
filled in that same quarter.
Filled vacancies
Filled vacancies include cancelled vacancies.
The number of vacancies per quarter refers to vacancies in the private
sector and in government sectors at the end of each quarter.
New vacancies and filled vacancies also include new vacancies which were
filled in that same quarter.