Statutory Industrial Organization, 1992 - 2002

Statutory Industrial Organization, 1992 - 2002

Type of appeal Periods Appeals pending at the beg.of the period (absolute) Current appeals and appeals dealt with Appeals submitted (absolute) Current appeals and appeals dealt with Simplified procedure (absolute) Current appeals and appeals dealt with Current protests and protests dealt with Protests submitted (absolute) Current appeals and appeals dealt with Current protests and protests dealt with Dropped/inadmissible/unfounded (absolute) Current appeals and appeals dealt with Current protests and protests dealt with Admitted protests (absolute) Current appeals and appeals dealt with Normal/stepped-up procedures Decisions made (absolute) Current appeals and appeals dealt with Normal/stepped-up procedures Court decisions (absolute) Appeals pending at the end of the period (absolute)
Decisions and actions SIO 1992 1st quarter 1,422 775 84 29 16 - 139 621 1,366
Decisions and actions SIO 1992 first six months 1,422 1,608 203 64 48 2 297 1,113 1,433
Decisions and actions SIO 1992 1st-3rd quarter 1,422 1,982 307 99 53 3 408 1,443 1,292
Decisions and actions SIO 1992 Total 1,422 2,161 343 110 106 4 529 1,600 1,115
Decisions and actions SIO 1993 1st quarter 1,115 218 32 18 4 3 116 185 1,014
Decisions and actions SIO 1993 first six months 1,115 496 57 29 28 3 249 301 1,005
Decisions and actions SIO 1993 1st-3rd quarter 1,115 1,173 91 44 28 3 388 482 1,343
Decisions and actions SIO 1993 Total 1,115 3,083 190 53 39 4 512 588 2,922
Decisions and actions SIO 1994 1st quarter 2,922 1,680 164 51 22 1 204 126 4,137
Decisions and actions SIO 1994 first six months 2,922 2,259 398 121 71 2 343 268 4,222
Decisions and actions SIO 1994 1st-3rd quarter 2,922 2,835 728 151 110 4 444 357 4,269
Decisions and actions SIO 1994 Total 2,922 3,183 965 191 156 14 584 443 4,148
Decisions and actions SIO 1995 1st quarter 4,148 363 89 18 31 1 120 166 4,123
Decisions and actions SIO 1995 first six months 4,148 822 146 42 40 2 266 263 4,297
Decisions and actions SIO 1995 1st-3rd quarter 4,148 1,278 304 74 73 3 377 399 4,347
Decisions and actions SIO 1995 Total 4,148 1,558 389 93 100 3 513 506 4,291
Decisions and actions SIO 1996 1st quarter 4,291 308 100 12 13 1 202 146 4,150
Decisions and actions SIO 1996 first six months 4,291 605 145 26 36 3 306 245 4,190
Decisions and actions SIO 1996 1st-3rd quarter 4,291 871 193 32 46 3 521 789 3,645
Decisions and actions SIO 1996 Total 4,291 1,050 287 50 59 3 647 2,564 1,834
Decisions and actions SIO 1997 1st quarter 1,834 415 41 4 15 - 88 487 1,622
Decisions and actions SIO 1997 first six months 1,834 779 132 17 18 1 236 680 1,564
Decisions and actions SIO 1997 1st-3rd quarter 1,834 1,064 195 33 34 3 333 774 1,595
Decisions and actions SIO 1997 Total 1,834 1,579 441 53 42 5 456 916 1,611
Decisions and actions SIO 1998 1st quarter 1,611 228 76 6 21 1 86 129 1,533
Decisions and actions SIO 1998 first six months 1,611 592 89 11 22 1 192 239 1,672
Decisions and actions SIO 1998 1st-3rd quarter 1,611 978 208 26 25 2 310 428 1,644
Decisions and actions SIO 1998 Total 1,611 1,326 270 32 43 2 490 529 1,637
Decisions and actions SIO 1999 1st quarter 1,637 324 62 9 2 1 122 106 1,678
Decisions and actions SIO 1999 first six months 1,637 545 97 10 10 1 270 208 1,607
Decisions and actions SIO 1999 1st-3rd quarter 1,637 762 134 20 11 3 426 305 1,543
Decisions and actions SIO 1999 Total 1,637 1,021 194 21 22 5 569 415 1,479
Decisions and actions SIO 2000 1st quarter 1,479 252 103 14 5 2 159 141 1,337
Decisions and actions SIO 2000 first six months 1,479 515 137 21 11 4 294 349 1,224
Decisions and actions SIO 2000 1st-3rd quarter 1,479 741 179 25 12 5 425 416 1,213
Decisions and actions SIO 2000 Total 1,479 945 206 31 17 5 501 484 1,247
Decisions and actions SIO 2001 1st quarter 1,247 226 6 1 3 - 150 112 1,203
Decisions and actions SIO 2001 first six months 1,247 464 42 5 6 - 315 221 1,132
Decisions and actions SIO 2001 1st-3rd quarter 1,247 724 81 11 14 1 600 314 973
Decisions and actions SIO 2001 Total 1,247 1,057 110 17 15 1 722 376 1,098
Decisions and actions SIO 2002 1st quarter 1,098 493 29 3 6 - 143 305 1,111
Decisions and actions SIO 2002 first six months 1,098 1,222 48 13 15 - 295 420 1,555
Decisions and actions SIO 2002 1st-3rd quarter 1,098 1,559 175 24 17 - 420 493 1,576
Decisions and actions SIO 2002 Total 1,098 1,938 375 34 27 - 562 629 1,477
Disciplinary actions 1992 1st quarter 18 4 2 1 1 - 3 - 17
Disciplinary actions 1992 first six months 18 6 2 1 3 - 10 - 10
Disciplinary actions 1992 1st-3rd quarter 18 6 2 1 3 - 10 1 9
Disciplinary actions 1992 Total 18 15 2 1 3 - 13 1 15
Disciplinary actions 1993 1st quarter 15 14 - - - - 6 - 23
Disciplinary actions 1993 first six months 15 17 5 - - - 10 - 17
Disciplinary actions 1993 1st-3rd quarter 15 19 6 - - - 15 - 13
Disciplinary actions 1993 Total 15 23 6 - - - 22 - 10
Disciplinary actions 1994 1st quarter 10 4 - - - - 1 - 13
Disciplinary actions 1994 first six months 10 6 - - - - 5 - 11
Disciplinary actions 1994 1st-3rd quarter 10 15 - - - - 7 1 17
Disciplinary actions 1994 Total 10 29 3 2 1 - 7 3 27
Disciplinary actions 1995 1st quarter 27 9 - - 1 - 6 1 28
Disciplinary actions 1995 first six months 27 13 1 - 1 - 12 1 25
Disciplinary actions 1995 1st-3rd quarter 27 28 1 - 1 - 16 1 36
Disciplinary actions 1995 Total 27 41 2 1 1 - 25 1 40
Disciplinary actions 1996 1st quarter 40 13 1 1 - - 2 4 47
Disciplinary actions 1996 first six months 40 27 3 2 2 - 16 3 45
Disciplinary actions 1996 1st-3rd quarter 40 39 3 2 2 - 22 3 51
Disciplinary actions 1996 Total 40 47 6 4 2 - 27 6 50
Disciplinary actions 1997 1st quarter 50 16 - - 2 - 7 2 55
Disciplinary actions 1997 first six months 50 34 1 1 2 - 18 5 59
Disciplinary actions 1997 1st-3rd quarter 50 51 1 1 3 1 19 10 69
Disciplinary actions 1997 Total 50 63 1 1 3 1 26 10 74
Disciplinary actions 1998 1st quarter 74 12 2 - - - 12 - 72
Disciplinary actions 1998 first six months 74 29 3 1 - - 28 1 72
Disciplinary actions 1998 1st-3rd quarter 74 38 5 2 - - 45 1 63
Disciplinary actions 1998 Total 74 55 5 2 1 - 48 4 73
Disciplinary actions 1999 1st quarter 73 8 2 1 - - 3 2 75
Disciplinary actions 1999 first six months 73 26 2 1 - - 19 3 76
Disciplinary actions 1999 1st-3rd quarter 73 33 3 1 1 - 24 3 76
Disciplinary actions 1999 Total 73 43 5 2 3 - 37 6 67
Disciplinary actions 2000 1st quarter 67 20 1 1 - - 16 2 69
Disciplinary actions 2000 first six months 67 29 2 2 2 - 28 3 63
Disciplinary actions 2000 1st-3rd quarter 67 41 2 2 2 - 35 7 64
Disciplinary actions 2000 Total 67 50 4 3 3 - 50 7 56
Disciplinary actions 2001 1st quarter 56 11 - - - - 7 1 59
Disciplinary actions 2001 first six months 56 24 - - - - 20 3 57
Disciplinary actions 2001 1st-3rd quarter 56 37 2 1 - - 27 5 60
Disciplinary actions 2001 Total 56 53 2 1 - - 37 6 65
Disciplinary actions 2002 1st quarter 65 14 2 - - - 20 - 57
Disciplinary actions 2002 first six months 65 33 2 - - - 38 1 57
Disciplinary actions 2002 1st-3rd quarter 65 60 2 - - - 60 4 59
Disciplinary actions 2002 Total 65 74 2 - - - 74 6 57
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Administrative Tribunal for Trade and Industry
Statutory industrial organizations and disciplinary decisions
1992 - 2002; Q1 1992 - Q4 2002 (aggregated quarterly figures)
Changed on January 19 2004.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Appeals pending at the beg.of the period
Appeals pending on the first day of the period under review.
Current appeals and appeals dealt with
Appeals submitted
Simplified procedure
The outcome is evident from the beginning. It is possible for the court
to opt for a simplified procedure without the consent of the parties
Current protests and protests dealt with
Protest: legal means to oppose a court decision which results from a
simplified procedure.
Protests submitted
Inadmissible: court's decision to reject the request or claim of one of
the parties involved for a reason beyond the scope of the case (e.g. a
procedural error).
Unfounded: the court rejects the claim of one of the parties involved that
the decision is unlawful and upholds its decision, hence the appeal
is unsuccessful.
Admitted protests
The court agrees with the contestant that the decision is unlawful
and the decision is nullified, hence the appeal is successful.
Normal/stepped-up procedures
If a normal procedure applies, the court's decision is made public after
the investigation is concluded but if the matter is urgent, it is
possible to step up the procedure. In the plaintiff's interest, a
provisional decision can be made; they are observed as separete
Decisions made
Court decisions
Appeals pending at the end of the period
Appeals pending on the last day of the period under review.