Price index civil engineering works

Table explanation

Index construction sewer systems and roads, mechanical excavation and
road maintenance (1995=100, 1979=100), changes index (1995=100)
1979 - 1997 (Feb, Aug), Jan.1998-Oct.2004
Changed on April 28 2005.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Basis index figures 15 February 1995=100
In the period 1995-1997, price indices were only available for the months
February and August. From 1998, indices are available for the months
January, April, July and October.
Index figures
Constr. sewerage inside built-up areas
The price index is based on price developments of wages, building
materials and equipment essential to sewerage construction inside built-up
Changes compared to 1 year previously
The changes reflect the increase in the price index of a particular month
compared to the same month one year previously calculated to one decimal.
Constr. sewerage inside built-up areas
The changes are calculated from the price indices on sewerage construction
inside built-up areas compared to the same month one year previously.
Basis index figures 15 February 1979=100
Until 1998, index figures were calculated twice a year, i.e. on
15 February and 15 August. From 1998, these index figures are no longer
Construction sewerage
Constr. sewerage outside built-up areas
The price index is based on the construction of sewer systems
and includes:
- digging of trenches;
- laying of concrete sewage pipes;
- refilling of trenches;
- removing of surplus soil.
Because these activities are very rare, this series was discontinued in
Constr. sewerage inside built-up areas
The price index is based on the construction and renovation of sewer
systems and includes:
- breaking up and removing of brick and asphalt paving;
- digging of trenches;
- laying of concrete sewage pipes;
- construction of sewage pipes;
- refilling of trenches;
- removing of surplus soil.