Marriage dissolutions; due to divorce and death

Table explanation

This table includes the most important key figures on marriage dissolutions due to death and divorce among the registered population of the Netherlands.
Excluding dissolutions due to ending registered partnerships.

Data available from: 1950

Status of the figures:
All data recorded in this table are final data.

Changes per 24 July 2024:
Data of 2023 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
In the last quarter of 2025 final figures of 2024 will be added in this publication.

Description topics

Total marriage dissolutions
Total marriage dissolutions due to death and divorce. Excluding dissolutions due to ending registered partnerships.

Legal, formally sanctioned living arrangement between two people. Since 1 April 2001, it is legally possible for people in the Netherlands to marry a person of the same sex.

Registered partnership:
A marriage-like relationship between two people of the opposite or same sex, registered at the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Registered partnership was introduced in The Netherlands on 1 January 1998.
Total marriage dissolutions
Marriages dissolved due to divorce
Excluding dissolutions due to ending registered partnerships other than by death of the partner.

Dissolution of the marriage pronounced by a judge on the basis of legal grounds. The divorce comes into force once it has been recorded in the municipal population register. Until September 1994: divorces granted by Dutch courts and entered in the municipal registers. From October 1994: divorces in which at least one of the partners is recorded in the register of a Dutch municipality.
Average duration of marriage at divorce
Average duration of marriage (in years) at the time the divorce is granted.

Average marriage duration:
The arithmetic mean of all marriage durations.

Marriage duration:
The duration of the marriage in years calculated as the difference between the year of observation and the year in which the marriage was contracted.
Average age of divorcing men
Average age:
The arithmetic mean of all ages of divorced men.

The number of whole years that have passed between someone's date of birth and 31 December of the year of divorce, calculated as the year of divorce minus the year of birth.
Average age of divorcing women
Average age:
The arithmetic mean of all ages of divorced women.

The number of whole years that have passed between someone's date of birth and 31 December of the year of divorce, calculated as the year of divorce minus the year of birth.
Marriages dissolved due to death
Marriage dissolutions due to death. Excluding dissolutions due to ending registered partnerships by death of the partner.

Legal, formally sanctioned living arrangement between two people. Since 1 April 2001, it is legally possible for people in the Netherlands to marry a person of the same sex.

Registered partnership:
A marriage-like relationship between two people of the opposite or same sex, registered at the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Registered partnership was introduced in The Netherlands on 1 January 1998.
Total men and women
Deceased partners
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