Bankruptcies; monthly figures by legal form/activity SIC'93, 1993-Apr.2014

Bankruptcies; monthly figures by legal form/activity SIC'93, 1993-Apr.2014

Periods Bankruptcies by legal form Single-owner comp. , trading partnership Total pronounced bankruptcies (number) Bankruptcies by legal form Single-owner comp. , trading partnership Single-owner companies (number) Bankruptcies by legal form Single-owner comp. , trading partnership Trading partnerships (number) Bankruptcies by legal form Natural persons not single-owner company Total pronounced bankruptcies (number) Bankruptcies by legal form Natural persons not single-owner company Partners (number) Bankruptcies by legal form Natural persons not single-owner company Other natural persons (number) Bankruptcies by legal form Natural persons not single-owner company Legacies (number) Bankruptcies by economic activity Total industry class Total single-owner and trading companies (number) Bankruptcies by economic activity Total industry class Single-owner companies (number) Bankruptcies by economic activity 01-05 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Single-owner companies (number) Bankruptcies by economic activity 10-41 Manufacturing,mining, distribution Single-owner companies (number) Bankruptcies by economic activity 45 Construction Single-owner companies (number) Bankruptcies by economic activity 50-52 Trade and repair of consumer goods Single-owner companies (number) Bankruptcies by economic activity 55 Hotels and restaurants Single-owner companies (number) Bankruptcies by economic activity 60-64 Transport, storage, communications Single-owner companies (number) Bankruptcies by economic activity 65-74 Financial intermediating Single-owner companies (number) Bankruptcies by economic activity 80-93 Education, culture, environment Single-owner companies (number) Bankruptcies by economic activity Industry class unknown Single-owner companies (number)
2013 May 900 102 798 278 89 189 . 900 102 1 5 28 25 11 6 18 8 -
2013 June 763 88 675 278 48 230 . 763 88 4 4 14 20 17 5 15 9 -
2013 July 897 117 780 249 53 196 . 897 117 5 7 30 32 14 5 10 14 -
2013 August 687 79 608 179 48 131 . 687 79 2 3 18 22 12 8 7 7 -
2013 September 682 86 596 193 62 131 . 682 86 2 4 32 22 6 5 12 3 -
2013 October 844 100 744 272 71 201 . 844 100 7 5 22 29 17 7 5 8 -
2013 November 687 105 582 216 57 159 . 687 105 5 5 18 31 9 4 22 11 -
2013 December 671 76 595 216 38 178 . 671 76 3 7 17 23 6 5 12 3 -
2014 January 707 112 595 241 75 166 . 707 112 5 4 27 31 5 15 15 10 -
2014 February 696 78 618 202 51 151 . 696 78 3 2 18 24 4 11 10 6 -
2014 March 598 72 526 175 27 148 . 598 72 . . . . . . . . .
2014 April 812 112 700 176 46 130 . 812 112 . . . . . . . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table gives a monthly and quarterly overview of pronounced bankruptcies by legal form. Legal persons can end in a bankruptcy via a suspension of payment, when they stop paying their debts. Figures about suspensions of payment are not available anymore since 1998.

Data concerning bankruptcies available from: January 1993 - April 2014.

Status of the figures:
All figures in this table are definite.

Changes as of July 10, 2014:
None, this tabel has been discontinued as of July 1, 2014.

When will new figures be published?
Not, the has been discintinued as of july 1, 2014.

Description topics

Bankruptcies by legal form
Single-owner comp. , trading partnership
Legal unities with exception of natural persons without single-owner
Total pronounced bankruptcies
Single-owner companies
Natural persons who have their own company or owned such company
prior to the bankruptcy.
An own company is a company without separate capital. The natural
person is responsible for all actions and fortune matters of the company.
Within the own company it is possible that more persons are employed.
Trading partnerships
All kinds of legal persons as: public cooperations, partnerships,
societies and foundations, Ltd. and other foreign legal persons.
If partnership firms or limited partnerships go bankrupt, the
participating partners will also be declared bankrupt.
The bankruptcy is generally pronounced in one sentence, the participating
partners, however, are separately included in the relevant legal form.
Partners can be both natural persons as legal persons. Legal persons as
partner of a bankrupt partnership firm or limited partnership are included
in the item trading partnerships.
Natural persons as partner are included in the item natural persons not
single-owner company sub-item partners.
Natural persons not single-owner company
Natural persons who do not own a company without separate capital.
It concerns "normal man or woman" who got into trouble by private debts
and not (successful) used the debt restructuring.
Also it concerns partners, who are natural persons, of a bankrupt
partnership firm or limited partnership.
Total pronounced bankruptcies
Natural persons who participate in partnership firms or limited
partnerships. If partnership firms or limited partnerships go bankrupt
the participating partners (excluding the silent partner in limited
partnership) will also be declared bankrupt.
Partners, being a natural person, can only appeal to debt restructuring
to prevent their own bankruptcy.
Other natural persons
Natural persons who do not own a company without separate capital or
who are not partner in a partnership firm or limited partnership. For the
most parts it concerns people without a business.
Natural persons who fully own a company with separate capital (such as
Ltd) are included in the item other natural persons.
By the item other natural persons it concerns "normal man or woman" who
got into trouble by private debts and not (successful) used the debt
This item includes also companis in formation.
Also after decease of a natural person a bankruptcy of the legacy can be
requested. The trustee will divide the legacy under the creditors.
From 2004 on the legacy is not registered separately anymore and is
included in the natural persons.
Bankruptcies by economic activity
Pronounced bankruptcies concerning single-owner and trading companies
by industry class (SBI'93). It concerns mostly enterprises or parts of
The SBI'93 is the Dutch hierarchical classification of economic
activities used from 1993 on by the Central Bureau for Statistics to
classify business units according to their main activity.
The SBI'93 is divided in six levels, of which the highest levels
(sections and subsections) are indicated by letters and the lower
levels (divisions, groups, classes and subclasses) are indicated by
Up to the level of classes (four figures) the SBI-code is equal to the
NACE Rev. 1.1 (Nomenclature Général des Activités Economiques dans la
Communauté Européenne) used by all the members of the EC. The
subclass, designated by five figures, is a special Dutch
specification. The division levels (two figures) of the SBI'93 and the
NACE Rev. 1.1 are similar to the ISIC Rev. 3.1 (International Standard
Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities), a
classification of economic activities, recommended by the UN and
decreed by resolution of the Statistical Commission of the UN in march
Predecessor of the SBI'93 was the SBI'74.
Total industry class
Pronounced bankruptcies concerning single-owner and trading
Total single-owner and trading companies
The total includes also the pronounced bankruptcies concerning
enterprises and institutions with an unknown industry class.
Single-owner companies
Natural persons who have their own company or owned such
company prior to the bankruptcy.
An own company is a company without separate capital. The natural
person is responsible for all actions and fortune matters of the
company. Within the own company it is possible that more persons are
01-05 Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Pronounced bankruptcies of single-owner companies and trading partnerships
in agriculture, forestry and fishing. It concerns sections 01-05 of
the SBI '93.
Single-owner companies
Natural persons who have their own company or owned such
company prior to the bankruptcy.
An own company is a company without separate capital. The natural
person is responsible for all actions and fortune matters of the
company. Within the own company it is possible that more persons are
10-41 Manufacturing,mining, distribution
Pronounced bankruptcies of single-owner companies and trading
partnerships in manufacturing, mining, quarrying, production,
distribution and trade of electricity, natural gas and warm water.
It concerns sections 10-41 of the SBI '93.
Single-owner companies
Natural persons who have their own company or owned such
company prior to the bankruptcy.
An own company is a company without separate capital. The natural
person is responsible for all actions and fortune matters of the
company. Within the own company it is possible that more persons are
45 Construction
Pronounced bankruptcies of single-owner companies and trading
partnerships in construction. It concerns section 45 of the SBI '93.
Single-owner companies
Natural persons who have their own company or owned such
company prior to the bankruptcy.
An own company is a company without separate capital. The natural
person is responsible for all actions and fortune matters of the
company. Within the own company it is possible that more persons are
50-52 Trade and repair of consumer goods
Pronounced bankruptcies of single-owner companies and trading
partnerships in trade and repair of consumer goods. It concerns
sections 50-52 of the SBI '93.
Single-owner companies
Natural persons who have their own company or owned such
company prior to the bankruptcy.
An own company is a company without separate capital. The natural
person is responsible for all actions and fortune matters of the
company. Within the own company it is possible that more persons are
55 Hotels and restaurants
Pronounced bankruptcies of single-owner companies and trading
partnerships in hotels and restaurants. It concerns section 55 of
the SBI '93.
Single-owner companies
Natural persons who have their own company or owned such
company prior to the bankruptcy.
An own company is a company without separate capital. The natural
person is responsible for all actions and fortune matters of the
company. Within the own company it is possible that more persons are
60-64 Transport, storage, communications
Pronounced bankruptcies of single-owner companies and trading
partnerships in transport, storage and communications.
It concerns sections 60-64 of the SBI '93.
Single-owner companies
Natural persons who have their own company or owned such
company prior to the bankruptcy.
An own company is a company without separate capital. The natural
person is responsible for all actions and fortune matters of the
company. Within the own company it is possible that more persons are
65-74 Financial intermediating
Pronounced bankruptcies of single-owner companies and trading
partnerships in financial institutions, letting or trade of
real-estate, letting of moveable property, commercial services,
public administration, public services and social securities.
It concerns sections 65-74 of the SBI '93.
Single-owner companies
Natural persons who have their own company or owned such
company prior to the bankruptcy.
An own company is a company without separate capital. The natural
person is responsible for all actions and fortune matters of the
company. Within the own company it is possible that more persons are
80-93 Education, culture, environment
Pronounced bankruptcies of single-owner companies and trading
partnerships in the field of education, health and social care,
environmental service, culture and recreation.
It concerns sections 80-93 of the SBI '93.
Single-owner companies
Natural persons who have their own company or owned such
company prior to the bankruptcy.
An own company is a company without separate capital. The natural
person is responsible for all actions and fortune matters of the
company. Within the own company it is possible that more persons are
Industry class unknown
Single-owner companies
Natural persons who have their own company or owned such
company prior to the bankruptcy.
An own company is a company without separate capital. The natural
person is responsible for all actions and fortune matters of the
company. Within the own company it is possible that more persons are