Population dynamics; birth, death and migration per region

Population dynamics; birth, death and migration per region

Sex Regions Periods Departures from municipality Total departures including administra... (number) Departures from municipality Total departures including adm..., ratio (per 1,000) Departures from municipality Due to emigration including administr... (number) Departures from municipality Net administrative corrections (number) Departures from municipality Due to intermunicipal moves (number)
Total male and female The Netherlands 2023 1,016,785 56.9 198,302 -32,318 818,483
Total male and female Noord-Nederland (LD) 2023 106,890 60.6 14,537 -2,709 92,353
Total male and female Oost-Nederland (LD) 2023 185,924 49.2 31,901 -7,236 154,023
Total male and female West-Nederland (LD) 2023 519,372 60.6 110,025 -15,442 409,347
Total male and female Zuid-Nederland (LD) 2023 204,599 54.3 41,839 -6,931 162,760
Total male and female Groningen (PV) 2023 52,446 87.6 7,464 -1,012 44,982
Total male and female Fryslân (PV) 2023 30,982 46.9 4,288 -979 26,694
Total male and female Drenthe (PV) 2023 23,462 46.6 2,785 -718 20,677
Total male and female Overijssel (PV) 2023 50,910 42.9 8,711 -1,935 42,199
Total male and female Flevoland (PV) 2023 24,838 55.5 6,456 -1,198 18,382
Total male and female Gelderland (PV) 2023 110,176 51.5 16,734 -4,103 93,442
Total male and female Utrecht (PV) 2023 81,825 58.7 11,255 -1,433 70,570
Total male and female Noord-Holland (PV) 2023 197,779 66.7 47,330 -5,104 150,449
Total male and female Zuid-Holland (PV) 2023 221,139 57.8 47,726 -8,209 173,413
Total male and female Zeeland (PV) 2023 18,629 47.6 3,714 -696 14,915
Total male and female Noord-Brabant (PV) 2023 144,833 55.0 26,592 -4,737 118,241
Total male and female Limburg (PV) 2023 59,766 52.9 15,247 -2,194 44,519
Total male and female Oost-Groningen (CR) 2023 22,861 165.9 768 -205 22,093
Total male and female Delfzijl en omgeving (CR) 2023 2,323 51.3 213 -33 2,110
Total male and female Overig Groningen (CR) 2023 27,262 65.6 6,483 -774 20,779
Total male and female Noord-Friesland (CR) 2023 16,748 51.1 2,875 -750 13,873
Total male and female Zuidwest-Friesland (CR) 2023 5,996 42.0 640 -81 5,356
Total male and female Zuidoost-Friesland (CR) 2023 8,238 43.3 773 -148 7,465
Total male and female Noord-Drenthe (CR) 2023 10,261 52.4 1,002 -296 9,259
Total male and female Zuidoost-Drenthe (CR) 2023 6,797 39.8 997 -199 5,800
Total male and female Zuidwest-Drenthe (CR) 2023 6,404 46.9 786 -223 5,618
Total male and female Noord-Overijssel (CR) 2023 16,485 42.6 2,195 -405 14,290
Total male and female Zuidwest-Overijssel (CR) 2023 6,931 43.2 1,156 -331 5,775
Total male and female Twente (CR) 2023 27,494 43.0 5,360 -1,199 22,134
Total male and female Veluwe (CR) 2023 32,959 45.8 5,423 -1,077 27,536
Total male and female Achterhoek (CR) 2023 16,999 41.8 1,840 -303 15,159
Total male and female Arnhem/Nijmegen (CR) 2023 46,773 61.5 6,255 -1,383 40,518
Total male and female Zuidwest-Gelderland (CR) 2023 13,445 52.7 3,216 -1,340 10,229
Total male and female Utrecht (CR) 2023 81,825 58.7 11,255 -1,433 70,570
Total male and female Kop van Noord-Holland (CR) 2023 18,043 46.7 3,539 -753 14,504
Total male and female Alkmaar en omgeving (CR) 2023 12,334 48.2 1,715 -420 10,619
Total male and female IJmond (CR) 2023 9,478 47.1 1,222 -223 8,256
Total male and female Agglomeratie Haarlem (CR) 2023 15,449 65.6 2,561 -329 12,888
Total male and female Zaanstreek (CR) 2023 8,814 49.8 1,724 -381 7,090
Total male and female Groot-Amsterdam (CR) 2023 118,077 80.6 34,430 -2,759 83,647
Total male and female Het Gooi en Vechtstreek (CR) 2023 15,584 63.8 2,139 -239 13,445
Total male and female Agglomeratie Leiden en Bollenstreek (CR) 2023 27,164 61.3 4,707 -557 22,457
Total male and female Agglomeratie 's-Gravenhage (CR) 2023 61,347 67.1 16,623 -2,601 44,724
Total male and female Delft en Westland (CR) 2023 17,642 72.7 5,364 -1,113 12,278
Total male and female Oost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2023 15,174 43.7 2,356 -648 12,818
Total male and female Groot-Rijnmond (CR) 2023 81,663 54.6 16,153 -2,561 65,510
Total male and female Zuidoost-Zuid-Holland (CR) 2023 18,149 47.7 2,523 -729 15,626
Total male and female Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen (CR) 2023 4,147 39.2 1,243 -204 2,904
Total male and female Overig Zeeland (CR) 2023 14,482 50.7 2,471 -492 12,011
Total male and female West-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2023 30,116 46.4 6,688 -1,065 23,428
Total male and female Midden-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2023 32,247 63.8 6,020 -1,086 26,227
Total male and female Noordoost-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2023 29,354 43.5 4,605 -1,118 24,749
Total male and female Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant (CR) 2023 53,116 65.9 9,279 -1,468 43,837
Total male and female Noord-Limburg (CR) 2023 12,665 43.7 3,694 -752 8,971
Total male and female Midden-Limburg (CR) 2023 11,425 47.2 2,465 -762 8,960
Total male and female Zuid-Limburg (CR) 2023 35,676 59.6 9,088 -680 26,588
Total male and female Flevoland (CR) 2023 24,838 55.5 6,456 -1,198 18,382
Total male and female Aa en Hunze 2023 1,310 50.8 127 -25 1,183
Total male and female Aagtekerke 2023
Total male and female Aalburg 2023
Total male and female Aalsmeer 2023 2,272 68.5 928 -76 1,344
Total male and female Aalten 2023 822 30.1 140 -49 682
Total male and female Ter Aar 2023
Total male and female Aardenburg 2023
Total male and female Aarle-Rixtel 2023
Total male and female Abbekerk 2023
Total male and female Abbenbroek 2023
Total male and female Abcoude 2023
Total male and female Achtkarspelen 2023 1,086 38.5 145 -57 941
Total male and female Achttienhoven (U.) 2023
Total male and female Adorp 2023
Total male and female Aduard 2023
Total male and female Akersloot 2023
Total male and female Alblasserdam 2023 1,027 50.5 137 -61 890
Total male and female Albrandswaard 2023 1,355 51.3 98 -9 1,257
Total male and female Alem, Maren en Kessel 2023
Total male and female Alkemade 2023
Total male and female Alkmaar 2023 5,394 48.1 730 -136 4,664
Total male and female Almelo 2023 3,239 43.7 599 -195 2,640
Total male and female Almere 2023 11,309 50.3 2,407 -454 8,902
Total male and female Almkerk 2023
Total male and female Alphen aan den Rijn 2023 4,734 41.3 871 -266 3,863
Total male and female Alphen en Riel 2023
Total male and female Alphen-Chaam 2023 567 54.2 107 -4 460
Total male and female Altena 2023 1,963 33.8 372 -97 1,591
Total male and female Ambt Delden 2023
Total male and female Ambt Montfort 2023
Total male and female Ambt-Vollenhove 2023
Total male and female Amby 2023
Total male and female Ameide 2023
Total male and female Ameland 2023 261 68.0 58 -10 203
Total male and female Amerongen 2023
Total male and female Amersfoort 2023 8,125 50.4 861 -138 7,264
Total male and female Ammerstol 2023
Total male and female Ammerzoden 2023
Total male and female Amstelveen 2023 11,243 118.7 3,155 -229 8,088
Total male and female Amstenrade 2023
Total male and female Amsterdam 2023 79,281 85.7 26,019 -1,611 53,262
Total male and female Andel 2023
Total male and female Andijk 2023
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Population growth in The Netherlands by birth, death and migration by sex and region.

In addition to national data, information is presented by group of provinces, province, COROP region and municipality.

The regional totals shown concern cumulated municipal data. Where changes of municipal boundaries transect regional boundaries, the municipal classifications concerns the most recent situation. The municipality of Vianen, for example, was annexed by the province of Utrecht on 1 January 2002, and is classified under the province of Utrecht in the Table.

Data available from: 1942

Status of the figures:
All data recorded in this publication are final data.
Up to 1977 data may differ from other published data on StatLine. This is due to differences between the data files used by Statistics Netherlands and the official data as published in 'Loop van de bevolking per gemeente'.

Changes as of 25 June 2024:
Final figures of 2023 have been added.

When will new figures be published?
In the 3rd quarter of 2025 figures of 2024 will be added in this table.

Description topics

Departures from municipality
Departures from the municipality due to emigration or intermunicipal move.

People leaving for another country.

Intermunicipal move:
A move from one municipality to another, excluding changes caused by an adjustment of municipal borders.

Total departures including administra...
Total departures including net administrative corrections.
Data on departures including net administrative corrections give a better impression of the true level of departures than data excluding net administrative corrections.

Break in series administrative corrections
Until 1977, Statistics Netherlands had no information on administrative corrections available at the municipal level. The figures up to 1977 do not include administrative corrections.

Administrative correction:
Entry in and removal from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change. The majority of administrative corrections refer to persons who are no longer living in their former place of residence, usually because they have settled in a foreign country. Administrative corrections resulting in registration usually concern persons who have been found (in their former place of residence or elsewhere) and are entered into the municipal population registers. This explains why the net administrative corrections are included in emigration (and net migration) but not in immigration.

Net administrative corrections:
Administrative entries minus administrative removals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.
Total departures including adm..., ratio
Total departures including net administrative corrections per 1,000 of the average population.
Data on departures including net administrative corrections give a better impression of the true level of departures than data excluding net administrative corrections.

Not available by sex.

Break in series administrative corrections
Until 1977, Statistics Netherlands had no information on administrative corrections available at the municipal level. The figures up to 1977 do not include administrative corrections.

Administrative correction:
Entry in and removal from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change. The majority of administrative corrections refer to persons who are no longer living in their former place of residence, usually because they have settled in a foreign country. Administrative corrections resulting in registration usually concern persons who have been found (in their former place of residence or elsewhere) and are entered into the municipal population registers. This explains why the net administrative corrections are included in emigration (and net migration) but not in immigration.

Net administrative corrections:
Administrative entries minus administrative removals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.

The total number of people residing in a given area. In the population statistics compiled by Statistics Netherlands the inhabitants are the people registered in the population register of a Dutch municipality.
Due to emigration including administr...
Emigration including net administrative corrections.
Data on emigration including net administrative corrections give a better impression of the true level of emigration than data excluding net administrative corrections.

Break in series administrative corrections
Until 1977, Statistics Netherlands had no information on administrative corrections available at the municipal level. The figures up to 1977 do not include administrative corrections.

Break in series external migration
As a result of an improved production process, a small shift has occurred in the figures on external migration.
From 2010 the following changes have been implemented.
- administrative entries preceding emigration are now considered as immigration;
- administrative removals followed by immigration are now considered as emigration

People leaving for another country.
Until October 1994, persons who had the intention to leave the Netherlands for a period exceeding 360 days were deregistered. From October 1994, the anticipated length of stay abroad in the year after settlement in another country is at least eight months.

Administrative correction:
Entry in and removal from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change. The majority of administrative corrections refer to persons who are no longer living in their former place of residence, usually because they have settled in a foreign country. Administrative corrections resulting in registration usually concern persons who have been found (in their former place of residence or elsewhere) and are entered into the municipal population registers. This explains why the net administrative corrections are included in emigration (and net migration) but not in immigration.
Net administrative corrections:
Administrative entries minus administrative removals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.

Net administrative corrections
Break in series administrative corrections
Until 1977, Statistics Netherlands had no information on administrative corrections available at the municipal level. The figures up to 1977 do not include administrative corrections.

Administrative correction:
Entry in and removal from the municipal population register for reasons other than birth, death, arrival, departure or municipal boundary change. The majority of administrative corrections refer to persons who are no longer living in their former place of residence, usually because they have settled in a foreign country. Administrative corrections resulting in registration usually concern persons who have been found (in their former place of residence or elsewhere) and are entered into the municipal population registers. This explains why the net administrative corrections are included in emigration (and net migration) but not in immigration.

Net administrative corrections:
Administrative entries minus administrative removals.

Administrative entry:
Decision by a municipality, at the request of the person concerned, to include that person in its population while it has no knowledge of birth, immigration or establishment of that person from another municipality in the Netherlands.

Administrative removal:
Decision by a municipality no longer to include a person in its population, once it has established that the address of the person is unknown, the person cannot be contacted and probably no longer resides in a municipality in the Netherlands.
Due to intermunicipal moves
Intermunicipal move:
A move from one municipality to another, excluding changes caused by an adjustment of municipal borders.

Available in this table from 1960.