Steam coal; import price from non EU-countries 1981-2016

Steam coal; import price from non EU-countries 1981-2016

Periods Net calorific value (GJ/1,000 kg) Import price based on calorific value (euro/GJ)
2016 3rd quarter* 25.3 2.13
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the import price of steam coal based on both weight and calorific value. The price is corrected for differences in the calorific value of the coals. The calorific value is the amount of heat released during combustion. By way of information, the table also shows the net calorific value of steam coal. The table covers only imports from non EU-countries.

Data available:
From 1st quarter 1981 till 3rd quarter 2016.

Status of the figures:
All figures from 1st quarter 1981 to 3rd quarter 2015 are definite.
Figures from 4th quarter 2015 till 3rd quarter 2016 are provisional.
The status of the figures will not be changed, because this table has been discontinued.

Changes as of June 19th 2019 :
None. This table has been discontinued. There will be a custom-made table. For more information see 3. Links to relevant tables and articles.

When will new figures be published?
Annual figures:
Not applicable anymore.

Quarterly figures:
Not applicable anymore.

Description topics

Net calorific value
Total amount of heat released during combustion of a substance or material minus the heat of vaporization of water. That is the heat required to evaporate the water present in the value or formed during the combustion. Net calorific value is also known as lower heating value.
Import price based on calorific value
The price of imported coal at a fixed calorific value of 29.3 gigajoule per 1,000 kg (or 7,000 kcal/kg). This price is derived by multiplying the price on the invoice of the supplier by the standard calorific value, and dividing this by the net calorific value. The calorific value is the amount of heat released during combustion of a substance or material.