Establishment and closure of businesses

Establishment and closure of businesses

SIC '93 Periods Establishment of businesses Number of businesses (x 1000) Establishment of businesses Persons employed (x 1000) Closure of businesses Number of businesses (x 1000) Closure of businesses Persons employed (x 1000) Total number of businesses (x 1)
C/D Mining and quarrying/manufacturing January 1st 2002 2,2 3,9 . . 46700
51 Wholesale trade and commission trade January 1st 2002 3,9 6,4 . . 55965
H Hotels and restaurants January 1st 2002 1,5 3,8 . . 37140
I Transport, storage and communication January 1st 2002 1,6 2,7 . . 27855
71/72/90 Letting of property and ICT January 1st 2002 2,7 4,0 . . 22810
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Establishment and closure of enterprises by economic
activities (SIC '93)
1993 - 2002
Changed on May 13 2008.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Establishment of businesses
Establishment of enterprises by economic activity.
Establishment of an enterprise implies a new entry in the population of
enterprises, not the continuation of one or more existing enterprises.
Number of businesses
Persons employed
Closure of businesses
Closure of enterprises by economic activity.
Closure of an enterprise implies discontinuation of all activities or
marginalisation of the enterprise (no persons employed for more than 15
hours a week).
Number of businesses
Persons employed
Total number of businesses
Detailed data on the number of enterprises is presented in other
publications on Demography of enterprises. These publications contain
elaborate information on the number of enterprises and branches by
economic activity, number of employees, legal form and region.