Health, lifestyle, use of medical facilities; 2000-2009

Health, lifestyle, use of medical facilities; 2000-2009

Characteristics users Type of figure Periods Medical consumption Taking medication Taking prescribed medication Type of prescribed medication Dermatological medicines (%) Medical consumption Taking medication Taking prescribed medication Type of prescribed medication Medicines for the eyes (%) Medical consumption Taking medication Consumption of non-prescribed medication Type of non-prescribed medication Dermatological medicines (%) Medical consumption Taking medication Consumption of non-prescribed medication Type of non-prescribed medication Homeopathic medicines (%) Functional limitations Persons who use aids Auditive aids (%) Functional limitations Persons who use aids Visual aids (%) Functional limitations Persons who use aids Aids to enhance mobility (%) Functional limitations Persons who use aids Anatomic aids (%) Functional limitations Persons who use aids Aids to control incontinence (%) Lifestyle Drug abuse (12-29 yrs) Ever used drug Has taken marihuana or hashish (%) Lifestyle Drug abuse (12-29 yrs) Ever used drug Has taken cocaine (%) Lifestyle Drug abuse (12-29 yrs) Ever used drug Has taken amphetamine (%) Lifestyle Drug abuse (12-29 yrs) Ever used drug Has taken XTC (%) Lifestyle Drug abuse (12-29 yrs) Ever used drug Has taken heroine (%) Lifestyle Drug abuse (12-29 yrs) Ever used drug Ever used psychedelic mushrooms (%) Lifestyle Drug abuse (12-29 yrs) Used drug in the past 4 weeks Has taken marihuana/hashish past 4 weeks (%) Lifestyle Drug abuse (12-29 yrs) Used drug in the past 4 weeks Has taken cocaine past 4 weeks (%) Lifestyle Drug abuse (12-29 yrs) Used drug in the past 4 weeks Has taken amphetamine past 4 weeks (%) Lifestyle Drug abuse (12-29 yrs) Used drug in the past 4 weeks Has taken XTC past 4 weeks (%) Lifestyle Drug abuse (12-29 yrs) Used drug in the past 4 weeks Has taken heroine past 4 weeks (%) Lifestyle Drug abuse (12-29 yrs) Used drug in the past 4 weeks Has taken psych. mushrooms past 4 weeks (%) Lifestyle Sexuality/safe sex (12-29-yrs) Used contraceptives first sex (%)
Total characteristics users Numbers 2009 7.9 4.6 1.4 5.0 3.7 60.0 5.0 5.5 4.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total characteristics users Standard errors 2009 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Household with minor children Numbers 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Household with minor children Standard errors 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides data about the health, lifestyle and medical and use of medical care of the Dutch population.
The data are based on the Health Interview Survey conducted by Statistics Netherlands. The Health Interview Survey is a continuous survey. Its population consists of Dutch residents of all ages in private households.

Data available from 2000 till 2009.

Changes as of 8 June 2018:
The table has been stopped per 8th of June 2018.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definitive.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable.

Description topics

Medical consumption
Taking medication
Taking prescribed medication
Percentage of persons who took (prescribed) medication in the fortnight preceding the interview, including medicines which were prescribed earlier. The contraceptive pill and medicines prescribed during hospital admissions are not taken into account.
Type of prescribed medication
Percentage of persons who take prescribed medicines by type of medicine. The respondent can choose 8 medicines from a list of 18 types of medicines (including the categories 'other' and 'unknown'). The answer refers to medication taken in the fortnight preceding the interview.
Dermatological medicines
Percentage of persons taking prescribed dermatological medicines (acne, eczema, itching, dandruff, injuries).
Medicines for the eyes
Percentage of persons taking prescribed medication for the eyes, e.g. eye salve, eye drops.
Consumption of non-prescribed medication
Percentage of persons taking non-prescribed medication by type of medicine in the fortnight preceding the interview (self-medication). Problems of interpretation may be involved, for instance, some respondents consider aspirin a medicine, whereas others do not.
Type of non-prescribed medication
Percentage of persons who take non-prescribed medicines by type of medicine. The respondent can choose 10 medicines from a list of 12 types of medicines (including the categories 'other' and 'unknown'). The answer refers to medicines taken in the fortnight preceding the interview.
Dermatological medicines
Percentage of persons taking non-prescribed dermatological remedies (acne, eczema, itching, dandruff, injuries).
Homeopathic medicines
Percentage of persons taking non-prescribed homeopathic remedies.
Functional limitations
Functional limitations are observed in the module 'Health and Labour
Conditions' of the Integrated System of Social Surveys in 3 groups of
a. The OECD indicator for persons in the age category 12 years and older
b. The GDA (General Daily Activities) indicator for persons in the age
category 55 and older.
c. Temporary activity limitations and bed days for persons of all ages.
Persons who use aids
Refers to auditive, visual, anatomic aids, aids to enhance mobility and
aids to control incontinence. This question was first asked in 2001.
Auditive aids
Percentage of persons using auditive aids.
Percentage of persons (4+) who answered 'yes' to the question: Do you use
a hearing aid? or 'yes' to the question: Do you use a special device to
amplify the sound of your telephone or television?
Visual aids
Percentage of persons using visual aids.
Percentage of persons (4+) who answered 'yes' to the question: Do you
sometimes wear glasses or contact lenses? or 'yes' to the question: Do you
use any other visual aid?
Aids to enhance mobility
Percentage of persons who use aids to enhance mobility.
Percentage of persons (12+) who answered 'yes' to the question: Do you
walk with a stick, a crutch, a walking frame, or any other device to
support their weight when walking or 'yes'to the question: Do you have an
electric or hand-propelled wheelchair?
Anatomic aids
Percentage of persons using anatomic aids.
Percentage of persons (12+) who answered 'yes' to the question: Do you
wear orthopaedic shoes? or 'yes' to the question: Do you have an arm or
leg prosthesis? or 'yes' to the question: Do you wear an orthesis or
Aids to control incontinence
Percentage of persons using aids to control incontinence.
Percentage of persons (12+) who answered 'yes' to the question: Do you use
aids to control incontinence? or 'yes' to the question: Do you use a
catheter or a fistula?
Drug abuse (12-29 yrs)
The figures refer to persons in the age category 12-29. Hence, the
(standard) age category 25-34 only covers persons in the age category
Ever used drug
Has taken marihuana or hashish
Has taken cocaine
Has taken amphetamine
Has taken XTC
Has taken heroine
Ever used psychedelic mushrooms
Has used psychedelic mushrooms.
Used drug in the past 4 weeks
Has taken marihuana/hashish past 4 weeks
Has taken cocaine past 4 weeks
Has taken amphetamine past 4 weeks
Has taken XTC past 4 weeks
Has taken heroine past 4 weeks
Has taken psych. mushrooms past 4 weeks
Sexuality/safe sex (12-29-yrs)
The figures refer to persons in the age category 12-29.
Hence, the (standard) age category 25-34 only covers persons in the age
category 25-29.
Used contraceptives first sex
Used contraceptives when having sex for the first time in order to prevent
pregnancy, veneral disease and AIDS as a percentage of those who had
sex before.