Health, lifestyle, use of medical facilities; 2000-2009

Health, lifestyle, use of medical facilities; 2000-2009

Characteristics users Type of figure Periods Health and disorders Perceived state of health Very good (%) Health and disorders Perceived state of health Good (%) Health and disorders Perceived state of health Less than good (%) Health and disorders Generic health indicator Physical norm score (score) Health and disorders Generic health indicator Mental norm score (score) Health and disorders Mental Health Inventory (MHI) Sum score MHI5 (score) Health and disorders Mental Health Inventory (MHI) Nervous (%) Health and disorders Mental Health Inventory (MHI) Low (%) Health and disorders Mental Health Inventory (MHI) Not composed and calm (%) Health and disorders Mental Health Inventory (MHI) Depressed and down (%) Health and disorders Mental Health Inventory (MHI) Unhappy (%) Lifestyle Exercise during: Meet the healthy exercise norm (%) Lifestyle Op. on (un)healthy behaviour (12-29 yrs) Should exercise more (%) Lifestyle Op. on (un)healthy behaviour (12-29 yrs) Smoking too much (%) Lifestyle Op. on (un)healthy behaviour (12-29 yrs) Often going to bed too late (%) Lifestyle Op. on (un)healthy behaviour (12-29 yrs) Taking an aspirin too often (%) Lifestyle Op. on (un)healthy behaviour (12-29 yrs) Should eat healthier (%) Lifestyle Op. on (un)healthy behaviour (12-29 yrs) Drinking too much alcohol (%) Lifestyle Op. on (un)healthy behaviour (12-29 yrs) Having safe sex (%)
Health insurance fund Numbers 2009
Health insurance fund Standard errors 2009
Private health insurance Numbers 2009
Private health insurance Standard errors 2009
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides data about the health, lifestyle and medical and use of medical care of the Dutch population.
The data are based on the Health Interview Survey conducted by Statistics Netherlands. The Health Interview Survey is a continuous survey. Its population consists of Dutch residents of all ages in private households.

Data available from 2000 till 2009.

Changes as of 8 June 2018:
The table has been stopped per 8th of June 2018.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definitive.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable.

Description topics

Health and disorders
Perceived state of health
Figures refer to answers to the question: How do you assess your general state of health?
Very good
% persons (0+) who answered 'very good' to the question concerning their general state of health.
% persons (0+) who answered 'good' to the question concerning their general state of health.
Less than good
Until 2001:
Percentage of persons (0+) who considered their general state of health:
- acceptable
- sometimes good and sometimes bad
- bad.
From 2001:
Percentage of persons (0+) who considered their general state of health:
- acceptable
- bad
- very bad.
Generic health indicator
Generic health indicator for adolescents and adults. The figures refer to
the so-called 'Short Format 12' (SF-12). The SF-12 is a frequently used
international standard which was developed in the United States in 1995 by
Ware et al. The SF-12 consists of 12 multiple choice questions, selected
from the more comprehensive international standard SF-36. The Dutch
version of the SF-12 only interviews persons in the age category 12 years
and older in the written part of the 'Health and Labour' module. The
questions refer to various aspects of health. Seven questions refer to
physical and social behaviour and physical and emotional limitations. Four
questions refer to mental health (2 questions), vitality and pain. One
question refers to the perceived general state of health. The SF-12
provides an overall picture of the general state of physical and mental
health of the respondents.
Physical and mental norm score.
The overall physical and mental health indicators refer to a weighted
combination of the answers to all 12 underlying questions. The physical
and mental indicators are weighted differently. The basis for the weights
is the average state of health of the American population. The average
physical and mental health of the American population is 50. Thus, a score
under 50 indicates a poor health compared to the American population,
whereas a score above 50 indicates that the health of a particular
population is better than the average health of the American reference
population. The mental health of the Dutch population turns out to be
slightly above 50. The various groups referred to in the tables can also
be compared to each other and to the total Dutch average.
Physical norm score
Physical norm score for persons in the age category 12 years and older.
The overall physical health indicator refers to a weighted combination of
the answers to 12 underlying questions. The basis for the weights is
the average state of physical health of the American population. The
average physical health of the American population is 50. Thus, a score
under 50 indicates a poor physical health compared to the American
population, whereas a score above 50 indicates that the physical health of
a particular population is better than the average physical health of the
American population. The average physical health of the Dutch
population turns out to be slightly above 50, implying that the average
physical health of the Dutch population is slightly better than the
average physical health of the American reference population. The various
groups referred to in the tables can also be compared to each other and to
the total Dutch average. The SF-12 questions have only recently been
introduced in the Integrated System of Social Surveys (POLS) and are
incorporated in the module 'Health and Labour' from 2001.
Ware J.E., Kosinski M., Keller S.D. SF-12: How to score the SF-12
Physical and Mental Health Summary Scales. Boston, MA: The Health
Institute, New England Medical Center, Second Edition, 1995.
Mental norm score
Mental norm score for persons in the age category 12 years and older.
The overall mental health indicator refers to a weighted combination of
the answers to 12 underlying questions. The basis for the weights is
the average state of mental health of the American population. The
average mental health of the American population is 50. Thus, a score
under 50 indicates a poor mental health compared to the American
population, whereas a score above 50 indicates that the mental health of
a particular population is better than the average mental health of the
American population. The average mental health of the Dutch
population turns out to be slightly above 50, implying that the average
mental health of the Dutch population is slightly better than the
average mental health of the American reference population. The various
groups referred to in the tables can also be compared to each other and to
the total Dutch average.The SF-12 questions have only recently been
introduced in the Integrated System of Social Surveys (POLS) and are
incorporated in the module 'Health and Labour' from 2001.
Ware J.E., Kosinski M., Keller S.D. SF-12: How to score the SF-12
Physical and Mental Health Summary Scales. Boston, MA: The Health
Institute, New England Medical Center, Second Edition, 1995.
Mental Health Inventory (MHI)
'Mental Health Inventory' for adolescents and adults.
The figures refer to the 'Mental Health Inventory 5' (MHI-5), an
international standard for mental health, consisting of 5 questions.
The MHI-5 is an extract from the 'Short Format 36' (SF-36), an
international standard which gauges health in detail. The MHI-5 is
part of SF-12 which is integrally included in the written part of the
POLS module 'Health and Labour' (persons in the age category 12 years and
older). To present a complete MHI-5, the 3 remaining MHI questions from
the SF-36 have also been included in the POLS module. All questions refer
to the period of 4 weeks preceding the interview.
The following questions were asked:
1. Did you feel very nervous?
2. Were you so depressed that nothing/nobody could cheer you up?
3. Were you composed?
4. Did you feel depressed and down?
5. Were you happy?
These MHI-5 questions are included in the POLS module 'Health and Labour'
from 2001.
Sum score MHI5
Sum score MHI-5
Possible answers to all questions (see under Mental Health Inventory) in
the MHI-5 are: 'permanently',
'mostly', 'often', 'sometimes', seldom' and 'never'. The answers to the
positive questions (3 and 5) were assigned the values 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and
0 respectively. The answers to the negative questions (1, 2 and 4) were
assigned the values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively. Subsequently, the
sum scores per person were calculated and multiplied by 4. Thus, the
maximum score totals 100. A high score is an indication of a sound
mental health. The table represents the average sum scores.
Refers to persons in the age category 12 years and over.
The percentage of respondents who answered 'permanently', 'mostly' or
'often' to the question on nervousness.
Refers to persons in the age category 12 years and over.
The percentage of respondents who answered 'permanently', 'mostly' or
'often' to the question on 'feeling low'.
Refers to persons in the age category 12 years and over.
Not composed and calm
The percentage of respondents who answered 'sometimes', 'seldom' or
'never' to the question on 'feeling composed and calm'.
Refers to persons in the age category 12 years and over.
Depressed and down
The percentage of respondents who answered 'permanently', 'mostly' or
'often' to the question on 'feeling depressed and down'.
Refers to persons in the age category 12 years and over.
The percentage of respondents who answered 'sometimes', 'seldom' or
'never' to the question on 'feeling happy'.
Refers to persons in the age category 12 years and over.
Exercise during:
As from 2001, the so-called Short Questionnaire to Asses Health enhancing
physical activity (SQUASH) was included in the written part of the
questionnaire (persons in the age category 12 years and older). This new
questionnaire was developed by the National Institute for Public Health
and the Environment (RIVM) and aims to provide a complete picture of
physical exercise, e.g. frequency, duration and intensity of the following
types of physical activities:
1 physical exercise during travelling home and work or home and school
2 activities at school or at work
3 domestic activities
4 exercise
5 other leisure activities.
Meet the healthy exercise norm
Percentage of respondents meeting the Dutch Norm for Healthy Exercise.
Respondents are in the age category 12 years and older.
The Dutch norm involves at least one hour a day of moderately intensive
exercise for young people in the age of 12 - 18 years.
Moderately intensive exercise means activities exceeding
a MET* - value = 5 such as aerobics or running.
The norm for adults (in the age category 18 years and older) is for at
least 5 days a week
minimal 30 minutes activities with a MET-value =4 (age 18-55 years) or a
MET-value = 3 (age 55+).
Physical activities are categorised in a standard table according
to age-specific values indicating the intensity per activity, the minimal
duration required and the number of days per week.
*MET-value: 1 MET correspondends the energy-consumption of a person in
Also 5 MET meets 5 times the consumption of energy of this standard
resting metabolic rate.
Op. on (un)healthy behaviour (12-29 yrs)
Opinions on unhealthy habits. The figures refer to persons in the age
category 12-29. Hence, the (standard) age category 25-34 only covers
persons in the age category 25-29. Subsequently, a number of questions
are asked.
Should exercise more
Refers to respondents who answered 'yes' to the question: should you
exercise more?
Smoking too much
Refers to respondents who answered 'yes' to the question: do you
smoke too much? (excluding non-smokers).
Often going to bed too late
Refers to respondents who answered 'yes' to the question: do you often go
to bed too late?
Taking an aspirin too often
Refers to respondents who answered 'yes' to the question: do you take an
aspirin too often?
Should eat healthier
Refers to respondents who answered 'yes' to the question: should you
eat healthier (for instance, eat less or eat less fat)?
Drinking too much alcohol
Refers to respondents who answered 'yes' to the question: do you
think you drink too much alcohol?
Excluding persons who do not drink alcohol at all.
Having safe sex
Refers to respondents who answered 'yes' to the question: do you
have safe sex?
Excluding persons indicating they do not have sex at all.