Quarterly national accounts; changes

Quarterly national accounts; changes

Dimensions Periods Expenditure approach to GDP Disposable for final expenditure Import of goods and services (fob) (%) Expenditure approach to GDP Total final expenditure Exports of goods and services (fob) (%) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by industry Producers of goods Agriculture, forestry and fishing (%) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by industry Producers of goods Mining and quarrying (%) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by industry Producers of goods Electricity, gas and water supply (%) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by industry Producers of commercial services Trade, hotels, restaurants and repair Trade, hotels, restaurants and repair (%) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by industry Producers of commercial services Trade, hotels, restaurants and repair Trade and repair (%) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by industry Producers of commercial services Trade, hotels, restaurants and repair Hotels and restaurants (%) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by industry Producers of commercial services Transport, storage and communication Transport, storage and communication (%) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by industry Producers of commercial services Transport, storage and communication Transport and storage (%) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by industry Producers of commercial services Transport, storage and communication Post and telecommunications (%) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by industry Producers of commercial services Financial and business activities Financial and business activities, total (%) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by industry Producers of commercial services Financial and business activities Financial activities (%) Production approach to GDP Gross value added at basic prices Gross value added by industry Producers of commercial services Financial and business activities Real estate activities (%)
Volume, on corresponding period (y/y) 2011 1st quarter, first estimate 5.4 5.7 0.0 -4.9 -3.5 . . . . . . 1.0 . .
Volume, on previous period (q/q) 2011 1st quarter, first estimate 1.5 -0.2 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Value, on corresponding period (y/y) 2011 1st quarter, first estimate 14.5 14.4 17.0 21.5 -12.3 . . . . . . 2.6 . .
Value, on previous period (q/q) 2011 1st quarter, first estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Price, on corresponding period (y/y) 2011 1st quarter, first estimate 8.7 8.3 16.9 27.7 -9.1 . . . . . . 1.6 . .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external
economic transactions. Value,volume and price changes
1987 - 2010, Q1 1987 - Q1 2011.
Changed on May 13 2011.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Expenditure approach to GDP
The first chapter of this publication introduces the expenditure approach
of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The connection between GDP and expenditure components comes in to focus in
this chapter. The menu of this chapter shows the supply and disposition of
goods and services scheme which contains the expenditure components of
More details data on the expenditure components could be found in de
fourth chapter: Additional details.
Data available from 1995 q1.
Disposable for final expenditure
The total amount of domestic generated goods and services (GDP) and the
imported goods and services are adding up to the disposable for final
expenditure. This variable is by definition equal to the total final
expenditure, which is the sum of the National final expenditure and the
exports of goods and services.
Import of goods and services (fob)
On the macro level imports of goods is valued free on board (fob)at
the border of the exporting country. The transition from valuation
of imported goods at cif to fob consists of:
- a cif/fob adjustment of the transport costs abroad of Dutch
freighters. Total imports (goods) and exports (services) are
reduced by the same amount.
- a cif/fob reclassification of the transport costs abroad of for-
eign freighters, from imports of goods to imports of services.
It leaves total imports and total exports unchanged.
Imports of goods are goods intended for residents, which are
imported from abroad into the Dutch economic territory.
Included in imports of goods are raw materials, semi-
manufactured products, fuels and final products. Also included
are imported goods, which are re-exported without undergoing
any processing.
Imports of services include among other things the expenditures
abroad by Dutch tourists, inhabitants of the border area and
Total final expenditure
The sum of the National final expenditure and the exports of goods and
services. This variable is by definition equal to the disposable final
expenditure (GDP and imports).
Exports of goods and services (fob)
Exports of goods are goods, which have been exported by resi-
dents from the Dutch economic territory to the rest of the world.
The exports of services include the services of Dutch transport
enterprises abroad, harbour services, ships repair services and
engineering of works by Dutch contractors abroad.
Also included in the exports of services are expenditures by for-
eign tourists, inhabitants of the border area and diplomats in the
Production approach to GDP
The composition of GDP from the value added of all economic activities is
provided in this chapter.
Gross domestic product at market prices (GDP) is calculated as follows:
total value added at basic prices of industries
plus: balance of taxes and subsidies on products
VAT, taxes on imports, subsidies on re-exports cannot be attributed to
individual industries. Therefore, GDP at market prices cannot be broken
down completely by industry.
Data of total value added available from 1995 q1.
Other components from 1995 q1.
Gross value added at basic prices
Gross value added at basic prices of all economic activities.
Value added (basic prices)
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference
between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption
(purchasers' prices).
Gross value added by industry
Value added (basic prices)
Value added at basic prices by industry is equal to the difference
between output (basic prices) and intermediate consumption
(purchaser prices).
Producers of goods
Gross value added at basic prices of good producers.
The good producers contains the Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Mining
and quarrying, the manufacturing, the energy and water supply and the
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry agriculture, forestry
and fishing.
SBI 1993: Section A,B; code 01,02,05.
Mining and quarrying
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry Mining and quarrying.
SBI 1993: Section C; code 10,11,14.
Electricity, gas and water supply
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry electricity, gas and
water supply.
SBI 1993: Section E; code 40,41.
Producers of commercial services
Gross value added at basic prices of producers of commercial services.
The commercial services producers contains the trade, repair, hotels and
restaurants, the transport, storage, post and telecommunication and the
financial and business activities.
Trade, hotels, restaurants and repair
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry trade and repair of
motor vehicles/cycles, wholesale trade, retail trade, hotels,
and restaurants .
SBI 1993: Section G and H ; code 50 to 52 and 55.
Trade, hotels, restaurants and repair
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry trade and repair of
motor vehicles/cycles, wholesale trade, retail trade, hotels,
and restaurants .
SBI 1993: Section G and H ; code 50 to 52 and 55.
Trade and repair
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry trade and repair of
motor vehicles/cycles, wholesale trade, retail trade.
SBI 1993: Section G ; code 50 to 52.
Hotels and restaurants
Gross value added at basic prices of hotels and restaurants .
SBI 1993: Section H ; code 55.
Transport, storage and communication
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry Transport, storage, post
and telecommunication.
SBI 1993: Section I; code 60 to 64.
Transport, storage and communication
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry Transport, storage, post
and telecommunication.
SBI 1993: Section I; code 60 to 64.
Transport and storage
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry Transport and storage.
SBI 1993: Section I; code 60 to 63.
Post and telecommunications
Gross value added at basic prices of the industry post and
SBI 1993: Section I; code 64.
Financial and business activities
Gross value added at basic prices of the Financial and business
SBI 1993: Section J and K; code 65 to 67 and 70 to 74.
Financial and business activities, total
Gross value added at basic prices of the Financial and business
SBI 1993: Section J and K; code 65 to 67 and 70 to 74.
Financial activities
Gross value added at basic prices of the banking activities, insurance and
pension funding activities and activities auxiliary to financial
SBI 1993: Section J; code 65 to 67.
Real estate activities
Gross value added at basic prices of the real estate activities.
SBI 1993: Section K (part); code 70.