Quarterly national accounts; changes

Quarterly national accounts; changes

Dimensions Periods Additional details Gross fixed capital formation By type of capital good Cultivated assets (trees and livestock) (%)
Volume, on corresponding period (y/y) 2011 1st quarter, first estimate .
Volume, on previous period (q/q) 2011 1st quarter, first estimate .
Value, on corresponding period (y/y) 2011 1st quarter, first estimate .
Value, on previous period (q/q) 2011 1st quarter, first estimate .
Price, on corresponding period (y/y) 2011 1st quarter, first estimate .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external
economic transactions. Value,volume and price changes
1987 - 2010, Q1 1987 - Q1 2011.
Changed on May 13 2011.
Frequency: Discontinued.

Description topics

Additional details
The additional details of some variables in the previous chapters of this
publication are being given in this chapter.
Gross fixed capital formation
Details of the gross fixed capital formation in two classification:
Gross fixed capital formation by type of capital good and
Gross fixed capital formation by industry of destination
Data of fixed capital formation by type are available from 1995 q1.
Data of fixed capital formation by industry are available from 1995 q1.
By type of capital good
Fixed capital formation by type of capital
Fixed assets are produced tangible or intangible assets that are
used in the production process for more than one year.
Gross fixed capital formation consists of producers' acquisitions
less disposals of fixed assets:
- acquisitions, less disposals, of tangible fixed assets:
- acquisitions, less disposals, of intangible fixed assets:
- major improvements to land (reclamation, land consolidation
and land preparing for building).
Fixed capital formation also includes:
- work in progress of construction such as unfinished dwell-
ings, non-residential buildings and civil engineering works are
recorded as fixed capital formation of the client.
- military structures and equipment, similar to those used by
civilian producers, such as airfields and hospitals.
- improvements to existing fixed assets that go well beyond the
requirements of ordinary maintenance and repairs.
- transfer costs of fixed assets, such as conveyance fees and
costs made by real estate agents, architects and notaries.
On the level of the total economy and the sectors, an adjustment
is made for the transactions in used fixed assets, which are
seen as investments of the buyer and disinvestment of the
seller. This adjustment is not made for the industries.
Cultivated assets (trees and livestock)
Cultivated assets (trees and livestock).