Stocks: Market value on EURONEXT Amsterdam 1983-2016

Stocks: Market value on EURONEXT Amsterdam 1983-2016

Periods The value of shares on the total market (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The value of shares on the off. market (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Total companies exchange value (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Sectors Internationals (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Sectors Local institutions Total local institutions (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Sectors Local institutions Financial institutions (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Sectors Local institutions Non-financial institutions (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Industries Mining (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Industries Manufacturing of consumer goods (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Industries Manufacturing of capital goods (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Industries Manufacturing of basic goods (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Industries Construction and installation (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Industries Transport, storage and communication (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Industries Non-financial services (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Industries Trade (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Industries Banking/financial activities (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The companies exchange value Industries Insurance (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market Exchange value of mutual funds (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The share market value of property funds (mln euro) The value of shares on the off. market The share market of other funds (mln euro) The share market value on the new market (mln euro)
2011 December 393,273 393,077 323,341 173,252 150,088 31,453 118,635 103,270 69,910 35,934 16,533 5,864 23,203 23,226 13,948 1,532 29,922 52,912 7,287 9,537 196
2012 December 438,103 437,858 363,883 178,106 185,777 40,151 145,626 97,988 88,157 45,632 20,824 6,315 24,055 27,389 13,371 1,157 38,994 54,273 7,503 12,200 246
2013 December 507,518 507,243 419,704 189,731 229,973 58,269 171,704 100,978 83,125 63,733 25,587 6,937 27,991 37,717 15,367 1,496 56,773 52,244 7,860 27,436 275
2014 December 552,693 552,587 451,692 200,755 250,937 70,767 180,170 108,102 95,092 70,313 25,103 6,995 21,134 38,018 16,168 45,106 25,662 47,011 9,751 44,132 106
2015 December 587,979 587,869 496,267 190,156 306,111 84,816 221,295 84,188 118,975 68,152 30,300 6,391 25,804 49,998 27,642 61,491 23,325 45,667 6,352 39,581 111
2016 July 606,625 606,625 513,917 208,109 305,808 69,327 236,481 100,274 127,829 74,926 29,846 5,822 19,968 47,686 38,239 49,592 19,735 45,323 5,950 41,435 1
2016 August 610,305 610,304 516,292 205,174 311,118 75,460 235,658 95,235 124,953 75,779 32,159 5,868 20,048 48,344 38,446 54,483 20,977 45,580 5,931 42,501 1
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

For its statistics about the financial markets Statistics Netherlands calculates data on the value of common stocks quoted at the Amsterdam stock exchange (EURONEXT Amsterdam).

The statistics only deal with stocks that provide an equal right in the control of the company. Other kinds of stocks, such as preferred stocks, are not included. The values of the companies shown are broken down by sector and industry. There is a difference between the official and the unofficial, new market of EURONEXT.

Data available from December 1983 to August 2016.

Status of the figures:
The figures in this table are definite when published. However changes may occur as a result of new or more recent data becoming available.

Changes as of 28 October 2016.
None, this table is discontinued.

When will new figures be published?
Not applicable anymore.

Due to funding cuts there will be no new data for this statistic as from 1 September 2016. For more information see the link in paragraph 3.

Description topics

The value of shares on the total market
The value of the shares quoted on the total market.
The exchange value of all outstanding common shares of all Dutch companies and funds listed on Euronext Amsterdam at the end of the month. The value of the total market is the sum of the official and the new market values.
The value of shares on the off. market
The value of the shares quoted on the official market.
The exchange value of all outstanding shares of all Dutch companies and funds listed on the official market of Euronext Amsterdam at the end of the month. The value of the shares quoted on the official market is subdivided into the value of companies, value of mutual funds, value of property funds and the value of other funds.
The value of shares on the off. market
The value total of the shares quoted on the official market.
The companies exchange value
The value of the shares quoted on the total official market: the value of
The exchange value of all companies listed on the official market at the end of the month. The value of the quoted shares of the companies broken down by sector and industry.
Total companies exchange value
Two sectors are distinguished: international corporations and local institutions. The sector local institutions distinguishes between financial and non-financial institutions.
The share market value of the sector which originally included Akzo Nobel, Koninklijke Olie (Royal Dutch Shell), Philips, Unilever and Hoogovens. Because Hoogovens is no longer considered a Dutch company after the merger, Hoogovens is no longer part of this group.
Local institutions
The share market value of all the locally observed companies.
Total local institutions
The share market value of all the locally observed companies.
Financial institutions
The share market value of all observed local companies engaged in financial activities.
Non-financial institutions
The share market value of all observed local companies engaged in non-financial activities.
Mining, manufacturing of consumer goods, capital goods, and basic goods, construction and installation, transport, storage and communication, non-financial services, trade, banking / financial services and insurance.
This includes companies involved in the extraction of oil and natural gas.
Manufacturing of consumer goods
Companies that make goods for the consumer market.
Manufacturing of capital goods
Companies that make products that aid in the production of other goods (fixed assets).
Manufacturing of basic goods
Companies that make raw material for the production of other goods.
Construction and installation
This includes companies working directly or indirectly on new or existing buildings.
Transport, storage and communication
This includes companies whose main activity is the transport of persons or goods, storage of goods or (tele) communications.
Non-financial services
This includes companies whose main activity is providing non-financial services.
This includes companies whose main activity is buying and selling goods.
Banking/financial activities
This includes monetary institutions and financial service companies.
This includes life and non-life insurance companies.
Exchange value of mutual funds
The share market value of all mutual funds listed on the official market at the end of the month. A mutual fund is an institute that raises capital to invest in securities.
The share market value of property funds
The share market value of all property funds listed on the official market at the end of the month. A property fund is an institution that raises capital to invest in real estate.
The share market of other funds
The share market value of all funds listed on the official market that are not mutual or property funds.
The share market value on the new market
The share market value of outstanding common shares of all Dutch companies listed on the unofficial new market of Euronext Amsterdam at the end of the month. Figures available from August 1999 on.