What does the SBI revision mean for companies that supply data to CBS?

The SBI revision involves merging, subdividing or resequencing a number of SBI codes. In addition, codes that currently consist of four levels will be given a fifth level by adding a zero. As a result, many companies will be assigned a different SBI code. This will have no effect on a company’s activities.

In the transition period from 2026 to 2029, the data collection for some CBS surveys will still be based on SBI 2008, while other surveys will have already switched to SBI 2025. Companies may notice changes as a result of the revision if the survey in which they are invited to participate has already switched to SBI 2025.

Example: The SBI code for the automotive sector is being discontinued. Instead, these companies will be reclassified as wholesale or retail trade. From now on, companies in the automotive sector will receive CBS surveys addressed to wholesalers or retailers. This will not have a major impact on data delivery to CBS. CBS will now address the questions it used to ask of companies in the automotive sector to companies in wholesale trade and retail trade. This will enable CBS to continue publishing key figures on the automotive sector.