CBS World Café IX - India
In the World Café, the most important results from IM2023-I are presented by Statistics Netherlands, but the focus is mainly on the Indian perspective. Joost Geijer, head of economics at the Dutch embassy in India, will reflect on India as a confident emerging global player. He will explain foreign policy and address the need for structural reforms from his position. This World Café thus provides context and coloring for the figures that are known about India. Joost Geijer: “India is a country with two guises. One side is the rich modern India and the other is the poor part with many millions of people living below the poverty line. Whether India can pull the poor section along in economic development will determine India's future success.” A great opportunity to learn more about India.
We close the World Café with an interactive Q&A. We hope to welcome you on Tuesday 30 May! You can participate in Wereldcafé IX (30/05/2023 – 1:30 PM) by entering the WebinarID (697 6613 5062) and password (609445) in Zoom, or by clicking on this link.
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to Daniël Herbers at Please share this invitation with other colleagues or those interested in globalization.
- File Presentation - WereldcafIX_IMCBS
- File Presentation - WereldcafIX_India