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Footprint calculations with Exiobase
© CBS / Nikki van Toorn
Evaluating a method to deal with a lack of up to date data
This report analyses the options for updating the harmonized version of Exiobase. Exiobase is a large dataset which describes the economic relationships between 163 sectors over 49 regions (countries or groups of countries). The quality Exiobase as far as the Netherlands is concerned is substantially improved by harmonizing the data with the Dutch national accounts. The resulting dataset van be used to calculate footprints for use in the National Program for the Circular Economy. Specifically, footprints can be calculated at the level of “transition agendas”, for example, how much world-wide carbon dioxide is emitted as a consequence of the consumption of products which are associated with the biomass and food transition agenda. Updates to Exiobase are unfortunately irregular, and due to dependency on many countries for source data, Exiobase may lag several years behind available national accounts for the Netherlands. Statistics Netherlands has for these reasons developed a methodology called the “deviating years method”. This entails harmonizing an old version of Exiobase with recent data. In this report, the extent to which the deviating years method produces accurate footprints is tested. Financed by the Environmental Planning Office.
The report is in Dutch. For further information, please contact Adam Walker (