Accounting for goods and for bads: Measuring environmental pressure in a national accounts framework

Describing environmental relationships in the system of national accounts is the central theme of this dissertation. An important part of this dissertation describes the characteristics of an extension of the national accounts system to the interactions between the economy and the environment. T
his dissertation addresses five research questions: 1) What specific goals are pursued by various environmental accounting methods? 2) What kind of indicators is particularly useful in recording environmental-economic dependencies? 3) What accounting structure serves most appropriately such an integrated environmental-economic information system? 4) What are the strengths and weaknesses of a national accounts oriented representation of environmental statistics? 5) Which national accounting conventions contribute to a distorted view of environmental-economic dependencies and what are the system-wide consequences of possible modifications in these accounting conventions?
Haan, M. de (2004). Accounting for goods and for bads: Measuring environmental pressure in a national accounts framework. Dissertation, University of Twente.
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