Higher manufacturing turnover

In January 2006, manufacturing turnover was 9 percent up on one year previously. This is exclusively caused by higher selling prices and an extra working day. In the period December 2005-January 2006, manufacturing output improved, compared to the period October-November 2005. The sectors food, drinks and tobacco and petroleum, chemicals and rubber in particular were performing well, according to provisional figures released by Statistics Netherlands.
Higher turnover due to higher prices and extra working day
Manufacturing industry generated a 9 percent higher turnover in January 2006 than in the same month of last year. The turnover increase was mainly the result of an increase in selling prices by 7 percent, but was also partly due to an extra working day in January 2006, compared to the same month last year. Statistics Netherlands estimates the positive effect of the extra working day at 2 percent.
The highest turnover growth was generated by the sector petroleum, chemicals and rubber; turnover grew by 19 percent in comparison with January last year, prices in this sector rose by 16 percent.
Domestic turnover of Dutch manufacturing industry in January 2006 was 11 percent up on January 2005. Manufacturing exports were 8 percent higher.
Sharpest increase recorded in sector food, drinks and tobacco
After adjustment for seasonal effects, manufacturing output showed an increase of 1.6 percent in the period December 2005-January 2006, compared to the period October-November 2005; it is the second increase in a row. The sharpest increase (by 3.4 percent) was recorded in the sector food, drinks and tobacco. Petroleum, chemicals and rubber also improved distinctly by 1.1 percent.
Output of raw materials, semi-fabricated products and consumer goods increased in the period December 2005-January 2006, compared to the previous period. Output of investment goods, on the other hand, decreased.
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