Time series National accounts before revision 2001

National accounts have been revised. The revision refers to 2001. Subsequently, data have been compiled for the period 2002–2004. The new data can be accessed on StatLine, the statistical database of Statistics Netherlands. Revised figures dating back to 1969 will become available in 2006 and 2007.

Time series which have not yet been subject to revision covering the period 1969–2003 can be accessed by means of the hyperlinks given below.

The following Excel-tables can be accessed:

Economic key figures (Excel: 46 kB)

Macroeconomics (Excel: 594 kB)

Supply, use and final expenditure, industry and groups of products (Excel: 499 kB)

Output, consumption and generation of income, industry (Excel: 618 kB)

Labour (Excel: 675 kB)

Sector accounts
Annual data (Excel: 118 kB)

Sector data (Excel: 570 kB)

Transaction matrices (Excel: 143 kB)

Financial balance sheets (Excel: 339 kB)

(Sub)sector typically detail data (Excel: 496 kB)

Historical data (Excel: 143 kB)