Construction and housing

The Statistics Overview 2023 provides an overview of what statistics (and with what frequency) will be compiled by CBS.
Title | Frequency |
Business operating income and expenses | annual |
Healthcare real estate occupancy | annual |
Occupied premises incl. non-residential, moorings and pitches | annual |
Property positions, changes and flows | annual |
Residential premise ownership | annual |
Dwelling stock ownership rates | annual |
European Union Survey on Income and Living conditions, EU-SILC improvements | annual |
Average property value of dwellings on 1 January, ownership, region | annual |
Rent increase Dwellings | annual |
Input index new dwellings | monthly |
Short-term statistic manufacturing, construction, retail trade, energy | monthly |
Real estate vacancy monitor | annual |
New dwelling construction phases table | annual |
New dwelling monitor | annual |
New dwellings housing corporations | semiannual |
Price index for existing owner-occupied dwellings | monthly |
Civil engineering, GWW price index | quarterly |
Price index for new owner-occupied dwellings | quarterly |
Price indices in construction | monthly |
Construction and manufacturing output | monthly |
Producer price index dwellings and other buildings | quarterly, annual |
Productive hours in civil engineering and non-residential construction | monthly |
Temporary dwellings | semiannual |
Dwelling stock transformations and characteristics | quarterly, annual |
Further breakdown Other additions and withdrawals dwelling stock | quarterly, annual |
Building permits granted | monthly |
Dwelling and non-dwelling stock | monthly, quarterly, annual |
Dwellings and non-residential stock, changes, user function, region | monthly, quarterly, annual |
Dwelling stock, average area, dwelling type, year of construction class, region | annual |
Dwelling stock, positions and changes as of 1921 | annual |
Dwelling stock, dwelling type, surface area, region | annual |
Civil and commercial construction progress | monthly |
Water consumption, domestic | once only |
Housing demand Survey | triannual |
Housing market Groningenveld | semiannual |
Woonbase | once only |
Dwelling types | annual |
Netherlands’ Housing Survey, WoON | triannual |
Dwelling stock, dwelling type on 1 January, region | annual |
Residential care homes | annual |