We produce and disseminate statistics


CBS exists to facilitate a well-informed society, based on facts. As the designated statistical agency of the Netherlands, CBS supplies reliable statistical information and data to provide insight into social issues. In doing so, CBS contributes to the public debate, research, policy development and decision making. We have been fulfilling this role since 1899.

CBS publishes figures on topics which can touch the lives of any member of society. Rather than simply publishing individual figures, our aim is to present a coherent information set that encompasses various societal issues. People need context in order to understand developments in society. This is why we present our figures with as much context as possible. One of our cornerstones is the need to be society-oriented. It is essential for people to know what is really happening in society. Where do we actually stand in the Netherlands? This forms the basis for gaining insight: for informing the public debate, evaluating policies, making decisions, and teaching people something about our society. All this needs to occur on the basis of accurate factual information.

Statistical overviews

The Statistics Overview 2023 provides a clear summary of which statistics are to be compiled by CBS for each theme, and with what frequency. A more detailed statistical overview is available. This overview can be filtered on a number of aspects, including theme, statistical requirement and frequency. This overview is updated annually.

We produce and disseminate statistics