Considerably fewer bankruptcies

In 2006, the number of bankruptcies declined for the first time since 2000. Last year 9,200 bankruptcies were filed, a decrease by 9 percent on 2005. The decrease was mainly found among businesses (excluding one-man businesses). According to the latest figures published by Statistics Netherlands, the number of natural persons and one-man businesses declared bankrupt remained virtually unchanged in 2006, relative to 2005.

Fewer private and public limited companies bankrupt

The number of bankruptcies among public limited companies (nv’s) and private limited companies (bv’s) fell by 18 percent in 2006, relative to the previous year. The downward trend started in 2005 (- 4 percent). Nv’s and bv’s accounted for approximately 40 percent of total bankruptcies. In 2006, bankruptcies among partnership firms also diminshed significantly by 28 percent.  

Sharpest decline in manufacturing industry and services

In virtually all sectors of the economy, the number of bankruptcies of businesses (including one-man businesses) and institutions dropped. The largest reduction by almost a quarter was recorded in manufacturing industry. The reduction in the sector services was 17 percent. In both sectors, the reduction mainly involved bv’s.

The sector hotels and restaurants is the only sector where the number of bankruptcies is still increasing. The increase on 2005 was close to 30 percent, notably one-man businesses. This sector, too, saw a decrease in the number of bankruptcies of bv’s. 

Bankruptcy rate substantially down in Friesland and Flevoland

In all provinces, bankruptcies went down. In two provinces – Flevoland and Friesland – the reduction was remarkable; 34 and 24 percent respectively. The smallest reduction was found in the provinces of Drenthe and South Holland. 

Increase bankruptcies natural persons in large municipalities

The number of natural persons going bankrupt remained more or less the same in 2006. The 8 percent rise in natural persons in large municipalities with more than 150 thousand inhabitants declared bankrupt is striking.

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