Common crime stabilised

In 2004 a quarter of the Dutch population indicated they had been victims of common crime. This is about the same as in 2003 but less than in 2002. The share of violent crime victims fell slightly in the period 2002-2004, to 5 percent according to the latest figures by Statistics Netherlands.
Common crime stable
In 2004 a quarter of the Dutch population aged over 15 indicated that they had been victims of common crime, such as theft, vandalism and violence. This comes down to 3.3 million victims, who, in total, were confronted with over 4.7 million offences. This is virtually the same number as in 2003, but fewer than in 2002. In that year the share of victims was 27 percent, the highest in years.
Fewer victims of violence
In 2004 over 5 percent of the population was confronted with violence. Threats were the most common form, followed by physical abuse and sex crimes. In total, almost 1 million violent crimes were committed, which was less than in previous years. In 2002 some 6 percent of the Dutch population was confronted with violence.
Theft, vandalism en menacing phone calls stable
The share of victims of other forms of common crime remained the same in 2004 as in 2003. About 12 percent indicated they had been the victim of theft. Over 11 percent had their car damaged or fell victim to some other form of vandalism.
In 2004 almost 5 percent indicated they regularly received menacing phone calls. The number of people confronted with this remains relatively stable at 600 thousand, after a downward trend that started in 1997, when about 900 thousand peoples received annoying calls.
PDF contains complete press release including tables and graphics.