Manufacturing output higher in December
After correction for the working day pattern, output of Dutch manufacturing industry was 1.4 percent higher in December 2005 than in the previous year. Output was notably higher in petroleum, chemicals and rubber and food, drinks and tobacco. Manufacturing turnover was 3 percent up on December 2004. The increase in turnover is mainly due to higher selling prices, according to provisional figures published by Statistics Netherlands.
More turnover due to higher selling prices
Domestic turnover of Dutch manufacturing industry in December last year was 7 percent higher than in December 2004. Turnover on the foreign market remained almost unchanged. Altogether, Dutch manufacturing turnover was 3 percent higher.
Selling prices, which were on average more than 6 percent above the price level of December 2004, had a positive effect on turnover,. Higher selling prices are mainly the result of substantial price rises in petroleum, chemicals and rubber. The working day pattern in December 2005 varied from December 2004 and this had a negative effect on turnover estimated at 4 percent by Statistics Netherlands.
Output also higher over shorter period
Output improved on an annual basis, but also over a shorter period. In the period November-December 2005, manufacturing output, after correction for seasonal effects, was 0.5 percent higher than in the period September-October 2005. The production of raw materials and semi-fabricated goods increased, whereas the production of investment and consumer goods diminished slightly.
Higher turnover, output stable
In 2005, manufacturing turnover was 6 percent up on 2004. The increase equals the rise in selling prices. All branches in manufacturing industry managed to equal or exceed last year’s turnover results.
On balance, last year’s manufacturing output was almost equal to 2004. Petroleum, chemicals and rubber, food, drinks and tobacco, wood and building materials and other manufacturing industry had a higher output than in 2004. All other branches had a lower output.