Industrial production and turnover higher
In September 2005 the Dutch manufacturing industry produced 1.6 percent more than in September 2004, while turnover was up by 7 percent. The turnover increase is almost entirely due to higher selling prices, according to the preliminary figures by Statistics Netherlands.
More production in September
Production in September 2005, corrected for working day patterns, was 1.6 percent higher than in September 2004. In the five previous months production was about the same. Especially production in food, beverages and tobacco and in the oil, chemicals and rubber industries was up on September 2004.
The short-term developments in production are also better. In the period August-September 2005 the Dutch manufacturing industry produced 0.5 percent more than in the period June-July, corrected for seasonal influences.
The production of consumer goods increased in the period August-September 2005, whereas the production of investment goods fell sharply. The production of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods fell slightly.
Higher turnover due to higher prices
Industrial turnover in September 2005 was up by 7 percent on the year before. This was mainly due to a 6 percent increase in selling prices. The turnover increases on the domestic and on the international markets were equally large. Among the observed branches of industry the highest turnover increase was found in the oil, chemicals and rubber industry.
In the first nine months of 2005, turnover of the Dutch manufacturing industry was up by 7 percent on the first nine months of 2004. This is almost entirely due to higher selling prices. Prices were on average 6 percent higher than during the same period the year before. Especially products of the oil, chemicals and rubber industry were much more expensive due to the high oil prices. The turnover increase in this branch was 15 percent, as was the price increase.