Retail turnover down

  • Turnover non-food shops considerably down
  • Turnover food shops up 

In March 2008, retail turnover decreased by 3.4 percent relative to the same period last year. For the first time in nearly 3 years, Dutch retailers faced declining sales. Fewer shopping days in March 2008 compared to March 2007 had a negative effect on turnover. After correction for shopping days, turnover growth was 1 percent, according to the latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands.

The non-food sector almost entirely accounted for the decrease in retail turnover. Non-food turnover declined by nearly 7 percent, turnover volume by nearly 8 percent, prices rose by over 1 percent. Turnover in the non-food sector decreased, even if the effect of shopping days is taken into account. Clothes shops in particular saw their turnover drop dramatically in March 2008 relative to a March 2007. Only household appliances shops realised a higher turnover than one year previously.

Shops selling food, drinks and tobacco realised a modest turnover growth in March by nearly 2 percent compared to one year ago. Turnover volume was nearly 2 percent down, prices were more than 4 percent up. The amount of shopping days had a strong negative effect on sales in the food sector. After correction, turnover growth appeared to be nearly 9 percent. Turnover growth in the food sector after adjustment for the effects of the number of shopping days continues.

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