Leap day pushes up retail turnover

- Record turnover for supermarkets
- Shops selling household items lead non-food
Dutch retail turnover was 8 percent higher in February 2008 than twelve months previously. Prices rose by 2 percent in the same period. The volume of sales was 6 percent up. The effect of the leap day on 29 February pushed up turnover growth. After correction for this effect, figures from Statistics Netherlands put the increase at around 3 percent.
Supermarkets booked a record turnover in February 2008: 13 percent up on one year previously. This is the highest increase in the last 10 years. The extra Friday contributed strongly to this growth, as on average supermarkets sell most on Fridays. After correction for the shopping day effect, turnover growth was around 6.5 percent, with price increases accounting for 3.5 percent.
In the non-food sector turnover was 6 percent up on the same month last year. Just as in January, shops selling household goods led the way. Turnover of stores selling consumer electronics fell in February compared with twelve months previously.