Confidence in the economy continues to rise
The confidence of Dutch consumers in the economy is higher in April 2006 than in the previous month. Consumers are considerably more positive about the economic climate. Their willingness to buy hardly changed. Although consumer confidence has now been increasing for eight months, the pessimists still outnumber the optimists, according to figures from Statistics Netherlands. The figures have been corrected for seasonal effects.
Consumers mainly more positive about the economy
Consumers are considerably more positive about the economy this month. For the first time since January 2001 there are more optimists than pessimists on this component. Consumers are more positive in their opinions on both the coming and the past twelve months.
Willingness to buy not improving yet
Willingness to buy remains fairly stable in April. For more than six months now willingness to buy has lagged behind opinions on the economic climate. It has improved in this period but by much less than opinions on the economic climate.
Willingness to buy is based on consumers’ opinions about the financial situation of their own households and on the question whether they think it is the right time to spend money on expensive durable goods. Consumers are least negative about their own finances in the coming twelve months.