Household consumption 1.2 percent up in October

In October 2005 Dutch household consumption was 1.2 percent up on October last year. Spending on consumer durables increased considerably, according to the most recent figures published by Statistics Netherlands. The figures have been corrected for price changes and differences in shopping day patterns.
More money spent on durable goods
The growth rate for consumer durables was 4.0 percent up on October 2004. Consumer electronics, clothes and shoes were particularly popular. Car sales, on the other hand, were in decline. Consumer spending on food, drinks and tobacco was 2.4 percent above the level of October 2004. This is the highest volume growth rate since February 2003. With 2.3 percent, September’s rate was also high.
Growth recorded in second half of the year
In the first ten months of 2005 household consumption was virtually equal to the same period last year. Domestic consumption over the first six months was below the level of the same period one year previously. In the third quarter and in October consumption was higher.