Robust increase number of vacancies
The number of unfilled vacancies increased by 37 thousand in the third quarter of 2005. Corrected for seasonal effects, there were 174 thousand open vacancies at the end of September 2005. According to figures published by Statistics Netherlands, the number of vacancies almost doubled over a period of two years.
Sturdy growth continues
The lowest number of vacancies (92 thousand) was registered in the third quarter of 2003 . Subsequently, vacancies began to increase and have nearly doubled over a period of two years. In the last four quarters, the number of vacancies rose by 48 thousand, the largest increase since 1999.
Largest increase recorded in commercial services
In the third quarter of 2005 vacancies rose in all sectors of economy. The largest increase was recorded in the sector commercial services. There were 105 thousand vacancies at the end of September, i.e. 25 thousand more than in the previous quarter. The increase was mainly found in trade and business services.
Strong increase in new vacancies
For the sixth quarter in a row, the labour market is more active than twelve months ago. This is indicated by a rise in new and filled vacancies. The number of new vacancies in particular increased sharply. In the third quarter of this year, 228 thousand new vacancies were reported, 60 thousand more than one year ago and 229 thousand vacancies were filled, 34 thousand more than one year previously. Data on new and filled vacancies were not adjusted for seasonal effects.
Vacancy rate up again
The vacancy rate was also higher for the sixth consecutive quarter compared to twelve months ago. Vacancy rate is defined as the number of unfilled vacancies per thousand jobs. It is an indication for labour market tightness. At the end of September 2005, there were 22 unfilled vacancies per thousand jobs. One year ago the vacancy rate was 16. In 2000 the labour market was tight with a vacancy rate of 32. During the trough period in 2003, the labour market was very loose with a vacancy rate of 12.