tijdreeks papers
Filter op jaar:- Haalbaarheidsstudie prijswaarneming GVO's
- Monitor artists and arts graduates (Dutch Only)
- Monitor kunstenaars en afgestudeerden aan creatieve opleidingen
- Monitor kwaliteit Stelsel van Basisregistraties. Nulmeting van de kwaliteit van basisregistraties in samenhang, 2014
- Gelijk loon voor gelijk werk? Banen en lonen bij de overheid en bedrijfsleven, 2012
- Maatwerk voor brancheverenigingen
- Model selection for small area estimation in repeated surveys
- Monitor topsectoren 2014
- Multivariate State-Space Approach to Variance Reduction in Series with Level and Variance Breaks
- Vooronderzoek satellietrekening cultuur en creatieve industrie
- Inflation dynamics in the Netherlands; a linear and non-linear analysis and the influence of economic conditions
- Traffic intensity as indicator of regional economic activity
- Analysing short term developments in key economic indicators: predicting the sign of period on period changes
- Wie wordt bereikt via het Europees Sociaal Fonds? Kenmerken van deelnemers in Nederland, 2013
- Time-series small area estimation for unemployment based on a rotating panel survey
- The impact of survey item characteristics on mode-specific measurement bias in the crime victimisation
- Theoretical and empirical support for adjustment of nonresponse by design
- Error localisation using general edit operations
- Leegstaande woningen
- Small area estimation with state-space common factor models for rotating panels
- Measuring Inequalities in the Dutch Household Sector
- Kwaliteitsrichtlijnen
- Arbeidsproductiviteit in de elektrotechniek en de machinebouw
- Record Linkage in Health Data: a simulation study
- Error localization as a mixed integer problem with the editrules package
- Selectivity of Big data
- Inkomsten uit werk en toch een langdurig laag inkomen, kenmerken en verklaringen
- How unusual weather influences GDP
- Verbeteringen en reeksbreuken in economische statistieken
- The use of within-subject experiments for estimating measurement effects in mixed-mode surveys
- Explicit and Implicit Calibration of Covariance and Mean Structures
- Kwaliteitsmaten voor het datacorrectieproces
- Solving the nonresponse problem with sample matching?
- Information management as tool for standardization in statistics
- Estimation of household income based on asset ownership
- The impact of contact effort and interviewer performance on mode-specific measurement
- Does balancing of survey response reduce nonresponse bias?