Discussion papers

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Deze webpagina bevat discussion papers, proefschriften en boeken waaraan het CBS heeft bijgedragen. Discussion papers zijn gereviewde papers over onderzoek op het gebied van officiele statistiek, met een nadruk op de methoden. Soms worden ze ook gepubliceerd in een wetenschappelijk tijdschrift. Ze bevatten geen officiële CBS-cijfers.

tijdreeks papers

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  1. An overview of statistical data editing
  2. Objectgeoriënteerde kwaliteitszorg
  3. How accurate are self-selection web surveys?
  4. Algorithms for correcting some obvious inconsistencies and rounding errors in business survey data
  5. Representativity of the Time Use Survey
  6. Indicators in the SEEA: identifying in the main aggregates in the SEEA Part I
  7. Processing of Erroneous and Unsafe Data
  8. Service lives and discard patterns of capital goods in the manufacturing industry, based on direct capital stock observations, the Netherlands
  9. Consistency and beyond - improving quality of national accounts estimates in practice
  10. Constructing a monthly indicator of fixed capital formation via high frequency interpolation. The state space approach.
  11. A latent variable approach to constructing monthly indicators; fixed capital formation
  12. An empirical validation of R-indicators
  13. Nonresponse in the recruitment of an internet panel based on a probability sample
  14. Model-Based Estimation for Official Statistics
  15. A framework for project architecture in the context of enterprise architecture
  16. Estimation of the monthly unemployment rate trough structural time series modelling in a rotating panel design
  17. An analysis of editing strategies for mixed-mode establishment surveys
  18. Intangible capital in the Netherlands: A benchmark