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NA/49 Quality assessment of macro-economic figures: The Dutch Quarterly Flash
Reininga, Ted, Gerrit Zijlmans and Ron Janssen (1992).Since 1989-IV, the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics has made preliminary estimates of quarterly macro-economic figures at about 8 weeks after...
NA/47 Deregulation and economic statistics: Europe 1992
Bos, Frits (1992).The consequences of deregulation for economic statistics are discussed with a view to Europe 1992. In particular, the effects of the introduction of the Intrastat-system for...
NA/43 Valuation principles in supply and use tables and in the sectoral accounts
Keuning, Steven J. (1991).In many instances, the valuation of transactions in goods and services in the national accounts poses a problem. The main reason is that the price paid by the purchaser...
NA/30 Regional income concepts
Bloem, Adriaan M. and Bas De Vet (1989).In this paper, the conceptual and statistical problems involved in the regionalization of national accounting variables are discussed. Examples are the...
NA/25 The methodology of the Dutch system of quarterly accounts
Janssen, R.J.A. and S.B. Algera (1988).In this paper a description is given of the Dutch system of quarterly national accounts. The backbone of the method is the compilation of a quarterly...
NA/24 On the adjustment of tables with Lagrange multipliers,
Harthoorn, R. and J. van Dalen (1987).An efficient variant of the Lagrange method is given, which uses no more computer time and central memory then the widely used RAS method. Also some special...
NA/15 Features of the hidden economy in the Netherlands
Van Eck, R. and B. Kazemier (1986).This paper presents the results of extensive and rigorous survey research into the black labour market in the Netherlands. It reveals the quantitative relevance of...
XBRL 2005: Taxonomy and instance creation and control
This report provides an overview of the results of the XBRL 2005 project that was conducted at Statistics Netherlands in cooperation with Atos Origin. The XBRL 2005 project studied the various ways...
Statistisch Bulletin no. 51
Het Bulletin van deze week bevat gegevens over: Arbeidsmarkt, Innovatie, ICT en investeringen, Dienstverlening, Financiële instellingen en markten.
Longitudinal analysis in statistical offices
An inventory was made of methods used in longitudinal analysis by National Statistical Institutes, together with selected longitudinal data sets of NSI's. The methodology was mostly not an explicit...
Adjusting undercoverage and nonresponse bias in telephone interviews
This paper investigates the noncoverage bias in CATI-surveys. This bias is introduced by the restriction of using the telephone as a communication medium. Obviously, only that part of the population...
De digitale economie 2004
Vandaag is een nieuwe publicatie van het CBS verschenen over de digitale economie. Het beeld dat oprijst uit deze publicatie is er één van een toenemend gebruik van ICT en een afnemende of zelfs...
The EU-15's New Economy - A Statistical Portrait
Hoe doen de vijftien ‘oude’ EU-landen het in de Nieuwe Economie?
Improving the quality of statistics of manufacturing turnover growth: timeliness and accuracy
The objective of the research described in this paper is to improve the quality of the statistics of the turnover growth of the manufacturing industry. The quality parameters studied are timeliness...
NA/92 Supply and use tables in current and constant prices for The Netherlands: an experience of fifteen years
Boer, Sake de, Wim van Nunspeet and Taeke Takema (2000).This paper concentrates on the ten years experience in compiling supply and use tables in The Netherlands. It focuses on the features that have...
Dealing with uncertainty in population forecasting
Joop de BeerJune 2000Abstract: The uncertainty of forecasts of the size and age structure of the population at the national level depends on the uncertainty of forecasts of fertility, mortality, and...