
189 resultaten voor keyword:ICT
189 resultaten voor keyword:ICT

Pagina 8 van 8

The EU-15's New Economy - A Statistical Portrait

Hoe doen de vijftien ‘oude’ EU-landen het in de Nieuwe Economie?


Improving the quality of statistics of manufacturing turnover growth: timeliness and accuracy

The objective of the research described in this paper is to improve the quality of the statistics of the turnover growth of the manufacturing industry. The quality parameters studied are timeliness...


NA/92 Supply and use tables in current and constant prices for The Netherlands: an experience of fifteen years

Boer, Sake de, Wim van Nunspeet and Taeke Takema (2000).This paper concentrates on the ten years experience in compiling supply and use tables in The Netherlands. It focuses on the features that have...


Dealing with uncertainty in population forecasting

Joop de BeerJune 2000Abstract: The uncertainty of forecasts of the size and age structure of the population at the national level depends on the uncertainty of forecasts of fertility, mortality, and...


Measuring well-being with an integrated system of economic and social accounts

The national accounts provide a systematic overview of the performance of a nation’s economy. An important indicator which can derived from this system is Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Often, (volume...


Netherlands Official Statistics, Vol. 13, Summer 1998

Special issue: Integration of household surveys. Design, advantages and methods


CBS vernieuwt grootschalig de dataverzameling

CBS voert stap voor stap een nieuwe procesketen met bijbehorend IT-landschap in voor het verzamelen van gegevens.


Digitale economie

De publicatie verscheen in de periode 2002-2009 als jaarlijkse uitgave. Samen met de publicatie Kennis en economie is het de voorloper van de publicatie ICT, kennis en economie.
