
205 resultaten voor keyword:ICT
205 resultaten voor keyword:ICT

Pagina 7 van 9

Micro and macro indicators of competition: comparison and relation with productivity change

This paper investigates competition and its relation to productivity growth. The results indicate that firms need time to adjust to changes in competition, raising productivity afterwards. Results...


A Monthly Workers labourmarket sentimentindicator; Doing more with The Consumer Survey

More frequent and timely information on the development of the employed and unemployed labour force can be useful. This can be provided by a composite sentiment indicator, the workers’ sentiment,...


Calibrated impution of numerical data under linear edit restrictions

A common problem faced by statistical offices is that data may be missing from collected data sets. The typical way to overcome this problem is to impute the missing data. The problem of imputing...


A conditions monitor for exports

Economic indicators such as exports do not develop in isolation. The basic idea underlying the conditions monitors is that developments in macro-economic indicators are driven by a relatively low...


A conditions monitor for household consumption

Economic indicators such as consumption do not develop in isolation. The basic idea underlying the conditions monitors is that developments in macro-economic indicators are driven by a relatively low...


Sampling and estimation techniques for the implementation of the NACE Rev.2 in Business Surveys

In all European Union countries the classification of economic activities that is used in the Business Surveys is currently rebased from NACE Rev 1.1 to NACE Rev. 2. This paper describes some of the...


De digitale economie 2008

Nederland kan zich op ICT-gebied goed meten met andere toonaangevende landen. Zo is telewerken sterk toegenomen: de helft van de bedrijven in Nederland liet hun personeel in 2007 telewerken.


Algorithms for correcting some obvious inconsistencies and rounding errors in business survey data

This paper describes methods for automatically detecting and correcting two systematic errors that are found in data collected for structural business statistics. It also discusses a simple heuristic...


A latent variable approach to constructing monthly indicators; fixed capital formation

Econometric techniques can be a powerful aid for the production of statistics. A prime example is the use of so-called benchmarking or interpolation techniques for producing more detailed or frequent...


Constructing a monthly indicator of fixed capital formation via high frequency interpolation. The state space approach.

In this study, a different temporal disaggregation approach is tested for producing a monthly series from a quarterly statistic when monthly observations are lacking. Monthly realisations are...


International Sourcing

In deze publicatie brengen Denemarken, Finland, Nederland, Noorwegen en Zweden gezamenlijk de resultaten van het Eurostatonderzoek International Sourcing naar buiten. De cijfers hebben...


Nonresponse in the recruitment of an internet panel based on a probability sample

In this paper we study the selectivity in the recruitment of respondents for one of CentERdata’s Internet panels (the CentERpanel). This recruitment is based on a probability sample. It involves...


An empirical validation of R-indicators

In a previous paper (discussion paper 07002, Schouten and Cobben) we introduced so-called R-indicators. These indicators attempt to measure the representativeness of the response to a survey. In the...


Economische groei derde kwartaal opwaarts bijgesteld naar 4,2 procent

De Nederlandse economie is in het derde kwartaal van 2007 met 4,2 procent gegroeid ten opzichte van een jaar eerder. De tweede raming van de economische groei is 0,1 procentpunt hoger dan de eerste...


Market structure, productivity and scale in European business services

Labour productivity in business-services industry tends to lag behind the rest of the economy. This paper investigates whether labour productivity in European business services is affected by...


Imputation of numerical data under linear edit restrictions

A common problem faced by statistical offices is that data may be missing from collected data sets. The typical way to overcome this problem is to impute the missing data. In this paper we describe...


NA/94 A volume index for the output of the Dutch banking industry based on quantity indicators

The purpose of this study is to find a sufficiently reliable volume index for output and value added of banking. The output consists of two components: commissions and FISIM; the latter being the...


R-indexes for the comparison of different fieldwork strategies and data collection modes

Many survey organisations focus on the response rate as being the quality indicator for the impact of non-response bias. However, it is not true in general that higher response rates imply smaller...


Reducing the bias of websurvey based estimates

At first sight, web surveys seem to be an interesting and attractive means of data collection. However, there is another side to this coin. Due to methodological problems, outcomes of web surveys may...


NA/79 The NAMEA experience. An interim evaluation of the Netherlands' integrated accounts and indicators for the environment and the economy

Keuning, Steven J. (1996).The national accounts publication in the Netherlands contains not only the conventional economic accounts and indicators, but also an integrated system of environmental and...


NA/72 Labour force data in a National Accounting framework

Den Bakker, Gert P. and Jan de Gijt (1994).This paper deals with the Dutch interwar labour force data. Starting with census data the estimation of the working and non-working labour force by industry...


NA/73 Integrated estimates of productivity and terms-of-trade changes from a Social Accounting Matrix at constant prices

Keuning, Steven J.(1994).This paper demonstrates that measures of real income change for the total economy can best be derived from real income changes per sub-sector. For this purpose a Social...


NA/60 Integrated indicators in a National Accounting Matrix including environmental accounts (NAMEA); an application to the Netherlands

De Haan, Mark, Steven Keuning and Peter Bosch (1993).In this paper, environmental indicators are integrated into a National Accounting Matrix including Environmental Accounts (NAMEA) and are put on a...


NA/50 Quality improvement of the Dutch Quarterly Flash: A Time Series Analysis of some Service Industries

Reininga, Ted and Gerrit Zijlmans (1992).The Dutch Quarterly Flash (QF) is, just like the regular Quarterly Accounts (QA), a fully integrated statistic based on a quarterly updated input-output...
